SAVE THE DATE: Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference, SCU, March 8, 2025
After a multi-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Internet Law Works-in-Progress conference is returning! (Some background about the series). The conference provides a venue for authors of Internet Law papers (broadly conceived) to workshop their drafts and get pre-publication…

WIPIP 2024 Highlights
Earlier this month, the High Tech Law Institute hosted the 2024 Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property (WIPIP), featuring nearly 90 presentations and over 110 attendees from four continents. The photo album. Some of my highlights from the event: Reconvening in physical space….

Call for Participation: WIPIP, Santa Clara, Feb. 2-3, 2024
The High Tech Law Institute invites you to participate in the 21st annual Works-in-Progress Intellectual Property Colloquium (WIPIP), which will be held February 2-3, 2024, at Santa Clara University School of Law, in Santa Clara, California. This is an in-person…

Announcing the 2023 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook
I’m pleased to announce the 2023 edition (14th edition) of my Internet Law casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. The book is available as a PDF at Gumroad for $10, a Kindle ebook for $9.99, a softcover version for $20, and a hardcover…

Memes as Judicial Opinions–Courthouse News Service v. Forman
This opinion came out in June, but I just learned about it. In this opinion, a federal judge incorporated a meme into the opinion’s narrative to emphasize a rhetorical point (pun intended): [Later, the court adds: “one final point, this…

My “Summer” 2022 Activities
I’ve regularly done a roundup post of my summer accomplishments when school starts. This year is a little different. I completed my last Internet Law class before Thanksgiving 2021 and had Spring semester off. Then, due to some personal circumstances…

Announcing the 2022 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook
I’m pleased to announce the 2022 edition (13th edition) of my Internet Law casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. The book is available as a PDF at Gumroad for $10, a Kindle ebook for $9.99, a softcover version for $20,…

What I Did Last “Summer” (2021)
It’s time for my annual roundup of my “summer” publications beyond my blogging. Once again, I did not teach last Spring. So here’s what I’ve done in 2021 since I finished my Fall 2020 teaching obligations: Internet Law: Cases &…

Announcing the 2021 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook
I’m pleased to announce the 2021 edition of my Internet Law casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. If I counted editions, this would be the 12th edition. The book is available as a PDF at Gumroad for $10, as a Kindle…

When Can Plaintiffs Serve Process Via Online Methods? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This post recaps three recent decisions dealing with service of process via alternative means (e.g., email or social media). The rulings arise in different contexts so they are useful illustrations of how courts deal with alternative service under different rules….