Talk Slides on Section 230, Anti-SLAPP Laws and Housing Anti-Discrimination

By Eric Goldman On Friday I presented at the California State Bar’s Fifth Annual Fair Housing and Public Accommodations Symposium. My topic was to discuss how, Section 230 and anti-SLAPP laws restrict the ability of housing anti-discrimination to sue…

Cynthia Moreno Guest Lecture to My Internet Law Course

By Eric Goldman Internet Law is blessed with some fantastic teaching cases, including the modern classic, Moreno v. Hanford Sentinel. Read the Ode to Coalinga that started it all. Cynthia works in Sacramento–about 2 hours from SCU–so in November 2012…

Designing Optimal Immunities and Safe Harbors (Forbes Cross-Post)

By Eric Goldman [Note: this is one of those posts that languished in the queue for a few years. Depending on your response, I may decide to turn it into a lengthier academic paper. Please send me your thoughts!] You…

Accessing Ex-girlfriend’s MySpace Account and Posting Offensive Content Results in Conviction

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] State v Kucharski, 2013 Il App (2d) 120270 (Mar. 29, 2013): Steven and the victim were in a relationship. Because the victim was “kind of computer illiterate,” Steven set up a MySpace account for her. After…

Google Immunized for Its Search Results–Mmubango v. Google (Catch-up Post)

By Eric Goldman Mmubango v. Google, Inc., 2013 WL 664231 (E.D. Pa. February 22, 2013). The initial complaint. This is one of the many bogus pro se lawsuits over Google search results. Like the others, it goes nowhere (though the…

A Judge Hopes Mark Zuckerberg Enjoys His Money Because “He’s Going to Hurt a Lot of People”–US v. Culver

By Eric Goldman United States v. Laura Culver, 2013 WL 1110647 (2nd Cir. March 19, 2013) This case involves a horrible crime of child pornography involving an 8 year old. For more background, see the DOJ press release and the…

Why Google’s Commitment Letter to the FTC Isn’t Commercial Speech (Guest Blog Post)

By Guest Blogger Josh King [Eric’s introduction: Josh King is Vice President, Business Development & General Counsel at Avvo. Among other ways we work together, he’s a fellow board member of Public Participation Project, which is advocating for a federal…

Ex-Lover Can Use Non-Disparagement Provision to Suppress Revenge Porn–Walls v. Klein

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Walls v. Klein, 2013 Tex. App. LEXIS 2462 (Tx. Ct. App. 4th Dist. Mar. 13, 2013) Walls and Klein were in a romantic relationship that soured. The parties volleyed legal threats but ultimately entered into a…

First Amendment Protects Online Republication of Court Records–Nieman v. VersusLaw

By Eric Goldman Nieman v. VersusLaw, Inc., 2013 WL 1150277 (7th Cir. March 19, 2013) [As I mentioned in my prior post about the case, the plaintiff has made legal threats against me for the same conduct discussed in this…

Resetting One of the Longest Running Cyberbullying Cases–DC v. RR (Guest Blog Post)

By Guest Blogger Sruli Yellin [Eric’s introduction: In the course of blogging over the past 8+ years, I’ve read hundreds or even thousands of cases. This case ranks in my top 1% of most interesting and memorable cases. Today, we’d…