How Section 230 Makes My Life Better (A Celebration of Its 25 Year Anniversary)

Section 230 turns 25 today. 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉 In this post, I’ll reminisce about Section 230’s enactment and celebrate some ways Section 230 makes my life better. [Note: tomorrow I’m on a panel about Section 230 with David Greene (EFF) and Cathy…

New Ebook on Zeran v. AOL, the Most Important Section 230 Case (Techdirt Cross-Post)

[Cross-posted from Techdirt] Section 230 has become a mainstream discussion topic, but unfortunately many discussants don’t actually understand it well (or at all). To address this knowledge gap, co-editors Profs. Eric Goldman (Santa Clara Law) and Jeff Kosseff (U.S. Naval…

How I’m Teaching My “Internet Law” Course Online

I first started teaching Internet Law (then called Cyberspace Law) in January 1996, and I’ve taught it a total of 23 times in person. This year, I am teaching the course completely online for the first time. I would so…

Comments on NTIA’s Petition to the FCC Seeking to Destroy Section 230

As requested by the Trump anti-Section 230 Executive Order from May, NTIA submitted a 57 page petition to the FCC asking the FCC to make rules interpreting Section 230. The FCC, in turn, has put the petition out for public…

A Pre-History of the Trust & Safety Professional Association (TSPA)

I am part of a team that announced today the launch of two organizations, the Trust & Safety Professional Association (TSPA) and the Trust & Safety Foundation Project (TSF). TSPA will support the global community of professionals who develop and…

New Paper Explains Why Technologists Should Rally Behind Section 230

At the request of James Grimmelmann, and with his editorial support, I wrote an essay for the Communications of the ACM called “Internet Immunity and the Freedom to Code.” The abstract: The Internet’s freedom to code is in jeopardy. In…

Comments on Rep. Gosar’s “Stop the Censorship Act,” Another “Conservative” Attack on Section 230

At this point, many “conservatives” favor government regulation of the editorial practices of Internet companies. As a result, proposals coming from DC “conservatives” that reference “censorship” in their titles almost certainly are designed to embrace, not prevent, censorship. For example,…

Correcting the Record on Section 230’s Legislative History (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Jeff Kosseff, author of The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet [Eric’s introduction: yesterday, I blogged the Second Circuit’s decision in Force v. Facebook. In dissent, Judge Katzmann wrote a lengthy examination of Section 230’s legislative history….

Second Circuit Issues Powerful Section 230 Win to Facebook in “Material Support for Terrorists” Case–Force v. Facebook

In a 101 page set of opinions, the Second Circuit ruled emphatically for Facebook in one of the multitudinous lawsuits alleging that it provided material support to terrorists (in this case, Hamas). The majority relied exclusively on Section 230, in…

Announcing the 2019 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook

I’m pleased to announce this year’s edition of my Internet Law casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. It’s available as a PDF at Gumroad for $10, as a Kindle book for $9.99, and in hard copy at Amazon for $22 + shipping….

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