Employer Who Takes Over Employee's Social Media Accounts May Commit Privacy Violation--Maremont v Susan Fredman Design

Employer Who Takes Over Employee’s Social Media Accounts May Commit Privacy Violation–Maremont v Susan Fredman Design

We’ve blogged about the dispute between Maremont and Susan Fredman Design Group before. Maremont was employed as SFDG’s social media consultant, and when she was injured in a severe accident, SFDG allegedly continued to access (1) a Twitter account registered…

Daughter's Celebratory Facebook Post Really "Sucked"--Gulliver Schools v. Snay

Daughter’s Celebratory Facebook Post Really “Sucked”–Gulliver Schools v. Snay

Patrick Snay was headmaster at Gulliver Preparatory School, a private school in the Miami area. The school didn’t renew his contract, so he sued for age discrimination and retaliation. The parties settled confidentially for $150k, broken down as $10k of…

In Its "Innocence of Muslims" Ruling, the Ninth Circuit is Guilty of Judicial Activism--Garcia v. Google

In Its “Innocence of Muslims” Ruling, the Ninth Circuit is Guilty of Judicial Activism–Garcia v. Google

In a ruling that sent shockwaves through the internet community, the Ninth Circuit, with one judge dissenting, found that an injunction should have been granted against YouTube, requiring removal of the “Innocence of Muslims” film. Does Garcia have a copyright…

H2 2013 Quick Links, Part 5 (Miscellaneous)

H2 2013 Quick Links, Part 5 (Miscellaneous)

* Ars Technica: How the feds took down the Dread Pirate Roberts. A great story on how hard it is to remain anonymous online against determined federal agents. * Nice Reuters retrospective on Judge Rader. * DailyDot: The battle to destroy Wikipedia’s biggest sockpuppet army. Related: Is Wikipedia…

Copyright Suit Over Second Life Terraforming Survives Summary Judgment, Then Settles -- FireSabre v. Linden

Copyright Suit Over Second Life Terraforming Survives Summary Judgment, Then Settles — FireSabre v. Linden

What happens when a virtual world designer sues for “unauthorized” use of a virtual “island?” In late September, a New York district court denied summary judgment and cleared the way for a full trial on a virtual world copyright infringement…

Federal Court in Virginia Court Says Domain Names Are Not Property, But Contractual Rights

Federal Court in Virginia Court Says Domain Names Are Not Property, But Contractual Rights

Following the sex.com case from the Ninth Circuit, it is taken for granted that domain names are property that can be converted, sold, transferred, or subject to a creditor’s collection efforts. Interestingly, a federal district court in Virginia took a…

Minors’ Suit Over Facebook Credits Continues – I.B. v. Facebook

Minors’ Suit Over Facebook Credits Continues – I.B. v. Facebook

This is a lawsuit over minors’ purchase of Facebook credits. The court only partially granted Facebook’s motion to dismiss on the first go-around, and on the second go-around does the same. (Previous post: Minors’ Suit Over Facebook Credits Survives in Part…

Google Gets Dismissal of Lawsuit Over Privacy Policy Integration--In re Google Privacy Policy

Google Gets Dismissal of Lawsuit Over Privacy Policy Integration–In re Google Privacy Policy

This is another potentially important but head-scratching Northern District of California ruling in an Internet privacy lawsuit. This lawsuit involves Google’s integration of its various product-specific databases of user information into one giant across-Google Database of Ruin. It was inevitable…

Privacy Plaintiffs Lose Because They Didn't Rely on Apple's Privacy Representations -- In re iPhone App Litigation

Privacy Plaintiffs Lose Because They Didn’t Rely on Apple’s Privacy Representations — In re iPhone App Litigation

Plaintiffs sued Apple claiming they relied on privacy representations from Apple and that the iOS environment was designed to “easily” allow for transmission of user information to third parties. A separate sub-class alleged that Apple collected location information even when…

AFP & Getty's Republication of Twitter/Twitpic-Sourced Photos Turns Out to Be Costly – AFP v. Morel

AFP & Getty’s Republication of Twitter/Twitpic-Sourced Photos Turns Out to Be Costly – AFP v. Morel

This is a long-running copyright infringement case that we’ve covered repeatedly. (My most recent post with a pre-trial recap: AFP v. Morel – Lawsuit Over Haiti Photos Taken From Twitter/Twitpic Goes to Trial.) AFP and (through AFP) Getty thought they had…