No Personal Jurisdiction Over Nasty Facebook Post--Burdick v. Superior Court

No Personal Jurisdiction Over Nasty Facebook Post–Burdick v. Superior Court

Let me see if I can sum up all of my knowledge about Internet jurisdiction in a few pithy bullet points: * Motions to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction often lose, so why should we get too wrapped up…

Another Failed Doctor Lawsuit Against a Patient For Online Reviews--Brandner v. Molonguet

Another Failed Doctor Lawsuit Against a Patient For Online Reviews–Brandner v. Molonguet

This is another lawsuit by a doctor over a patient’s negative online reviews. Dr. Brandner is an oral surgeon in Louisiana. In 2005, he treated Molonguet. Molonguet protested Brandner’s fees, but a court ruled for Brandner. In response to that…

Robert Half Can't Stop Former Employees From Telling The World Where They Used To Work (Forbes Cross-Post)

Robert Half Can’t Stop Former Employees From Telling The World Where They Used To Work (Forbes Cross-Post)

As the saying goes, a business’ most important asset is its people. That maxim applies with extra force in the staffing industry, where people literally are its business. Perhaps that explains why Robert Half, a leading staffing company, uses an…

Top 10 Fair Use Cases of 2014 (Guest Blog Post)

Top 10 Fair Use Cases of 2014 (Guest Blog Post)

[Eric’s introduction: in my blog post on the copyrightability of resumes, I observed that “2014 has been a terrific year for fair use” and mused that “It would be great if someone did a ‘top 10 fair use rulings of 2014’…

Stupid Online Teen Banter Isn't "Disorderly Conduct"--State v. Nelson

Stupid Online Teen Banter Isn’t “Disorderly Conduct”–State v. Nelson

We’re revisiting the perennial topic of how to address teens doing stupid teen things online. As we’ve discussed repeatedly, teens constantly test limits online and typically lack the wisdom and perspective of adults. In my era, typical offline teen pranks…

Fair Use Protects Sending Expert Witness' Resume to Opposing Counsel--Devil's Advocate v. Zurich Insurance

Fair Use Protects Sending Expert Witness’ Resume to Opposing Counsel–Devil’s Advocate v. Zurich Insurance

Most of us probably have never thought about the coprightability of our resumes or curriculum vitae. Most resumes are highly functional documents, i.e., we don’t write them for fun; and they are just an input into a more important output…

Will A 'Cast Of Thousands' Become A 'Cast Of Thousands...Of Plaintiffs'? A Preview of Garcia v. Google (Forbes Cross-Post)

Will A ‘Cast Of Thousands’ Become A ‘Cast Of Thousands…Of Plaintiffs’? A Preview of Garcia v. Google (Forbes Cross-Post)

[Note: I wrote the following post on Monday before the oral arguments. I haven’t had a chance to view Monday’s oral arguments, but from the news reports and Twitter feeds, it sounds like Kozinski and McKeown will be squaring off….

eBay Isn't Liable for Selling Recalled Merchandise--Hinton v. Amazon

eBay Isn’t Liable for Selling Recalled Merchandise–Hinton v. Amazon

Due to Section 230, eBay generally isn’t liable when its merchants sell problematic goods. I believe the earliest ruling establishing this proposition is Stoner v. eBay, a 2000 case over bootleg recordings. More recently, in 2011, a court held that…

Bust Up Google? Only If Europe Wants To Make Things Worse (Forbes Cross-Post)

Bust Up Google? Only If Europe Wants To Make Things Worse (Forbes Cross-Post)

Recently, the European Parliament passed a resolution urging the European Commission to “consider proposals aimed at unbundling search engines from other commercial services.” The resolution was mostly symbolic. It was really just a straw poll on European policy-makers’ high level…

Section 230 Precludes Injunctive Relief Against Message Boards--Medytox v. InvestorsHub

Section 230 Precludes Injunctive Relief Against Message Boards–Medytox v. InvestorsHub

We’re celebrating #ThrowbackThursday today at the Technology & Marketing Law Blog! InvestorsHub runs message boards on financial topics. A user, Hawley, posted several messages on InvestorsHub about Medytox and its principals. Medytox and the principals sued Hawley for defamation and…