Ripoff Report and Topix Postings Protected by California’s Anti-SLAPP Law–Chaker v. Mateo

…mom Wendy allegedly posted derogatory statements about Chaker and his business online to Ripoff Report and Topix. The court has little problem rejecting Chaker’s defamation lawsuit under California’s anti-SLAPP statute….

“Notes and Questions” About the UMG v. Shelter Capital Case (Excerpt from my Internet Law Reader)

…Veoh would have done with them? Red Flags of Infringement. What, exactly, constitutes a “red flag” of infringement? If a website provides a tool letting users report problems with content,…

My Presentations on the Obama Administration’s “Privacy Bill of Rights” and the Proposed Amendments to the EU Data Privacy Directive

…Obama administration’s report and providing some critiques. I’ve posted my slides and a recording of my talk (download–item 28 or stream).[FN1] [FN1] After multiple requests from blog readers, I am…

Pointing Out Possible Hypocrisy by a Self-Claimed Sextortion Expert Protected by Anti-SLAPP Laws–Backlund v. Stone

…Chen referenced the tweet in the article, and also quoted a Fox News report featuring Stone, where Stone warned against the dangers of sextortion. [Chutzpah alert!] Backlund’s complaint against Stone:…

Another Case Says No Liability for Linking to Allegedly Defamatory Content, Plus a Recap (Guest Blog Post)

…and comes out the right way. In Vazquez v. Buhl, the plaintiff sued Teri Buhl, a financial reporter, for posting allegedly defamatory statements on her website. He also sued NBCUniversal…

Google Tries Again to Respond to Judge Alsup’s Shill Disclosure Order. Now, How About Oracle?

…learned something new. * Google lists Mike Masnick because a Google-funded organization (CCIA) paid him to write his The Sky is Rising report. I don’t understand why this is on…

Section 230 Immunizes Links to Defamatory Third Party Content–Directory Assistants v. Supermedia

…inquiry if it was Ripoff Report or its users authored the linked-to reports; either way, a third party linking to that content isn’t liable. Indeed, Section 230 applies even if…

Six-Month Retrospective of SOPA’s Demise [Forbes Cross-Post, A Month Late!] + SOPA/PROTECT-IP/OPEN Linkwrap #3

…complicated;this BNA report tries to unpack the issue). As Techdirt’s Mike Masnick asked rhetorically, “Dear Lamar Smith & House Judiciary: Have You Learned Nothing from SOPA?” So for all of…

Request for Help: Fill Out a Short Survey on Entrepreneurs’ Handling of Patent Demands

…kept confidential unless you say otherwise. Colleen will publish the results, and I expect her report will improve the patent policy-making discussions based on what’s taking place in the patent…

PissedConsumer Defeats Trademark Claim…On a Motion to Dismiss!?–deVere v. Opinion Corp.

…site for consumer complaints. PissedConsumer has superseded Ripoff Report as the leading gripe site defendant, as I’ve blogged three other PissedConsumer cases in the past 7 months (Ascentive, Vo and…

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