Should We Cheer The California Attorney General’s Revenge Porn Arrest–Or Find It Alarming? (Forbes Cross-Post)

The California Attorney General’s office announced the arrest of Kevin Christopher Bollaert for his role in a revenge porn scheme. Most folks are cheering the arrest for understandable reasons: revenge porn is odious, especially when victims must pay to remove…

SPEECH Act Defendant Gets $48,000 In Attorneys’ Fees–Trout Point Lodge Ltd. v. Handshoe

The SPEECH Act combats libel tourism, the process of trying to enforce an international defamation ruling in the United States if the ruling isn’t consistent with U.S. law. The leading SPEECH Act case is Trout Point Lodge Ltd. v. Handshoe….

Should TheDirty Website Be Liable For Encouraging Users To Gossip? (Forbes Cross-Post)

A major Internet Law battle is brewing in the Sixth Circuit federal appellate court in Kentucky. Potentially at stake is the future of the Web 2.0 ecosystem and user-generated content–which is why many of the Internet’s biggest and high-profile companies…

Keyword Advertising Lawsuits Against Search Engines Mostly Tossed–Parts[.]com v. Google and Yahoo

I know of only two pending trademark lawsuits against search engines for selling trademarked keywords: and Carla Ison. Ison’s lawsuit has been dismissed and is on appeal, where it will be crushed. This week,’s lawsuits against Google and…

Ninth Circuit Kills Contributory ACPA Cybersquatting Doctrine–Petronas v. GoDaddy

A domain name registrant transferred the and domain names into GoDaddy and used GoDaddy’s name forwarding service to direct them to (NSFW) Petronas asked GoDaddy to turn over the domain names to Petronas. GoDaddy declined. Petronas sued,…

WhitePages Gets Its Inevitable Section 230 Win–Nasser v. WhitePages publishes white pages information (get it?). It obtained and published information from third parties that incorrectly listed Nasser’s phone number as a Comcast phone number. As a result, Nasser got a voluminous number of angry phone calls intended for…

Section 230 Protects Another Newspaper From Liability For User Comments–Hupp v. Freedom Communications

Hupp v. Freedom Communications, Inc., 2013 WL 5947033 (Cal. App. Ct. Nov. 7, 2013) This is a minor case involving a pro se plaintiff and a straightforward application of the law, so normally I wouldn’t blog it. However, over the…

California’s New Law Shows It’s Not Easy To Regulate Revenge Porn (Forbes Cross-Post)

California enacted a new law against “revenge” porn, sometimes called “involuntary” porn. SB 255, codified as California Penal Code 647(j)(4). The law says it is “disorderly conduct” for a defendant to take intimate and confidential recordings, such as photos or…

Yelp Gets Another Anti-SLAPP Victory in Lawsuit Over Consumer Review—Bernath v. Tabitha J.

Bernath v. Tabitha J., 1305-06167 (Ore. Cir. Ct. Aug. 26, 2013) The plaintiff, who is also a lawyer (and surely you recall how I feel about lawyer-plaintiffs), has repeatedly written about this case online focusing on different facts, but I’m…

TripAdvisor’s “Dirtiest Hotels” List Isn’t Defamatory—Seaton v. TripAdvisor

Seaton v. TripAdvisor LLC, 2013 WL 4525870 (6th Cir. Aug. 28, 2013) TripAdvisor published a list of the “Dirtiest Hotels” based on users’ rankings, including some unflattering quotes from users’ reviews. One of the listed hotels sued TripAdvisor for defamation…

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