2013 Internet Law Syllabus and Casebook Now Online

By Eric Goldman I have posted my 2013 Internet Law syllabus and updated and expanded casebook ($8 DRM-free PDF download). It’s hard to believe this is my 19th year teaching the course! (For more background on the course, see this…

Perfect 10 Can’t Sue Yandex for Out-of-Country Activity (Catch-up Post)

By Eric Goldman Perfect 10, Inc. v. Yandex N.V., 2013 WL 3668818 (N.D. Cal. July 12, 2013) This case has sat in my blog queue for a few weeks because I’m still not sure what to make of it. I…

More Evidence That Competitive Keyword Advertising Benefits Trademark Owners (Forbes Cross-Post)

By Eric Goldman Many trademark owners hate that rivals can bid on Google AdWords ads triggered by their trademarks, a process I call “competitive keyword advertising.” Trademark owners (and many judges) often assume that a Google search on a trademark…

Rationalizing (?) the Hart and Keller v. EA Sports Publicity Rights Rulings (Guest Blog Post)

By Guest Blogger Tyler Ochoa [Eric’s note: this is a long blog post from my colleague Tyler. It does a great job demonstrating that the interplay between the First Amendment and the publicity rights is complete anarchy, which isn’t surprising…

Gun Classified Ads Website Isn’t Liable for Murder–Vesely v. Armslist

By Eric Goldman Vesely v. Armslist, LLC , 1:13-cv-00607 (N.D. Ill. July 29, 2013) Armslist runs an online classified ad website for guns. After finding each other on Armslist, Ladera sold a gun to Smirnov, who used the gun to…

The Latest Attempt to Use Copyright Law to Remove Negative Consumer Reviews–Small Justice v. Xcentric (Forbes Cross-Post)

By Eric Goldman [Note: as you know, I closed comments on this blog in 2006 because of a virulent comment spam attack. Sometimes I miss having comments, but then again, seeing the comments I got at Forbes in response to…

Book Review: “The Little Book of Foodie Law”

By Eric Goldman Cecil C. Kuhne, The Little Book of Foodie Law (Little Books) [Amazon affiliate link] [Note: I checked out this book because someday I hope to offer a Food Law course, and I wanted to see if this…

YouTube Gets Easy Section 230 Win–Gavra v Google

By Eric Goldman Gavra v. Google Inc., 2013 WL 3788241 (N.D. Cal. July 17, 2013). The complaint. I [heart] easy 47 USC 230 cases. Here, a Romanian lawyer felt 13 YouTube clips, posted by an ex-client, defamed her. After sending…

Recap of Stanford E-Commerce Conference Panel on Takedown Notices

By Eric Goldman Last month, I attended Stanford Law School’s annual E-commerce Law Conference, one of my favorite conferences of the year because of its subject material and the chance to hang out with so many friends. This year, the…

Book Review: “Mail-Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads”

By Eric Goldman Kirk Demarais, Mail-Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads! (2011) [Amazon affiliate link] This was a kind gift from my colleague Kyle Graham. This is a well-conceived and well-executed book about the cheap novelties that…

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