Ticketmaster's Attempt to Game Arbitration Services Fails--Heckman v. Live Nation

Ticketmaster’s Attempt to Game Arbitration Services Fails–Heckman v. Live Nation

In an effort to curb mass arbitration, Ticketmaster sought to switch arbitration service providers to New Era ADR, including for past ticket purchases. New Era incorporated some defense-favorable provisions to its mass arbitration provision. The Ninth Circuit holds those provisions…

Court Revives Indiana AG's False Advertising Case Against TikTok--State v. TikTok

Court Revives Indiana AG’s False Advertising Case Against TikTok–State v. TikTok

This is one of the many AG enforcement actions against social media for [reasons]. In this particular claim, the Indiana AG alleges that TikTok coaxed users to install its app on false pretenses, including deceptive omissions about its ties to…

Second Circuit Tells Trademark Owners to Stop Suing Over Competitive Keyword Advertising--1-800 Contacts v. Warby Parker

Second Circuit Tells Trademark Owners to Stop Suing Over Competitive Keyword Advertising–1-800 Contacts v. Warby Parker

Fifteen years ago, courts generally avoided categorical pronouncements about the legitimacy of competitive keyword advertising. That produced a string of waffly or irresolute rulings, such as the appellate rulings in Rescuecom v. Google (2d Circuit) and Rosetta Stone v. Google…

eBay Isn't Liable for Merchants' Sales of Items That Violate Environmental Laws--US v. eBay

eBay Isn’t Liable for Merchants’ Sales of Items That Violate Environmental Laws–US v. eBay

The EPA civilly sued eBay for third-party merchant listings of items that violate environmental laws. For example, the EPA identified over 300k aftermarket “defeat device” listings, 5k+ listings for products containing methylene chloride, and 23k listings for violative pesticides. eBay…

Consumers Who Don't Read "Clickwraps" Are Still Bound By Them--Toth v. Everly Well

Consumers Who Don’t Read “Clickwraps” Are Still Bound By Them–Toth v. Everly Well

Raise your hand πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ if this could describe you too: Joyce Toth clicked on a checkbox indicating that she read and accepted certain terms and conditions, which were contained in a linked “User Agreement.” Her representation was only half true….

Internet Law Professors Submit a SCOTUS Amicus Brief on Online Age Authentication--Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton

Internet Law Professors Submit a SCOTUS Amicus Brief on Online Age Authentication–Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton

Along with seven other Internet Law professors, I filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court in the case of Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton. The lawsuit challenges Texas HB 1181, which is basically a resurrection of the old…

Second Circuit Says More About the "Reasonable Internet User" Standard for TOS Formation--Edmundson v. Klarna (Catchup Post)

Second Circuit Says More About the “Reasonable Internet User” Standard for TOS Formation–Edmundson v. Klarna (Catchup Post)

[I missed this opinion when it first came out in 2023. Blogging for completeness because of the importance of the “reasonable Internet user” standard.] Klarna offers a “buy now, pay later” option to consumers at third-party e-commerce sites. If a…

SAD Scheme Leads to Another Massively Disproportionate Asset Freeze--Powell v. Schedule A

SAD Scheme Leads to Another Massively Disproportionate Asset Freeze–Powell v. Schedule A

[Reminder: I don’t blog all of the SAD Scheme cases I see, and the ones I blog are more exemplars of the general principles than standout or unique cases.] Kate Louise Powell is a Scotland-based artist. (I wonder how she…

It's Hard to Bind Former Subscribers to TOS Amendments--Brooks v. WarnerMedia

It’s Hard to Bind Former Subscribers to TOS Amendments–Brooks v. WarnerMedia

This is a VPPA case over Meta Pixels. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ Everyone agrees this lawsuit will be going to arbitration per the HBO Max TOS. However, in 2022, HBO Max swapped arbitration providers from AAA to NAM. The opinion doesn’t clearly explain…

DMCA 512(c) Helps Redbubble Defeats Copyright Lawsuit--Wallshoppe v. Redbubble

DMCA 512(c) Helps Redbubble Defeats Copyright Lawsuit–Wallshoppe v. Redbubble

Wallshoppe makes wallpaper with copyrighted designs, such as the β€œPacifico Palm Design” depicted to the right. It has a copyright registration in the design. Wallshoppe found Redbubble merchants selling the design. However, for unspecified reasons, Wallshoppe didn’t submit proper DMCA…