The Righthaven Debacle, 5 Years Later
You probably recall Righthaven, the now-defunct copyright enforcement entity (some might call it a copyright troll) that purchased newspapers’ copyrights so it could sue small-time bloggers who republished articles; after suing, it would demand financial settlements the bloggers couldn’t afford….
Blogiversary Celebration Part 4: How Internet Law and IP Law Have Evolved
This is the final part of my four-part series celebrating our 10th blogiversary. I asked the following question: What do you think is the most significant change in intellectual property law or Internet law over the past 10 years? This…
Blogiversary Celebration Part 3: How the Blogosphere Has Evolved
We’re continuing our celebration of the blog’s 10 year anniversary. I asked the following question: What do you think is the most significant change to the blogosphere since 2005? Some responses: Anupam Chander: The loss of as a blog,…
Blogiversary Celebration Part 2: About the Blog’s Impact
Yesterday, we celebrated the blog’s 10 year anniversary. I apologize in advance for the self-serving nature of this post, but I wanted to know from blog readers: Tell us an anecdote about how the blog has made a difference to…
Happy 10th Blogiversary! (Blogiversary Celebration Part 1)
Today, we’re celebrating the 10th year anniversary of this blog! This is the first of a four-part series celebrating 10 years of blogging. A Short History of the Blog The blog traces its roots to my Internet Law course at…
Top 10 Internet Law Developments of 2014 (Forbes Cross-Post)
It’s time for my annual recap of the top Internet Law developments of the year. #10: Copyright Fair Use Tilts To Defense. Larry Lessig has famously said that “fair use in America simply means the right to hire a lawyer…
No Personal Jurisdiction Over Nasty Facebook Post–Burdick v. Superior Court
Let me see if I can sum up all of my knowledge about Internet jurisdiction in a few pithy bullet points: * Motions to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction often lose, so why should we get too wrapped up…
Bleg: Help Us Prepare For the Blog’s 10 Year Blogiversary
This blog launched on February 8, 2005, meaning that our 10th anniversary is just a couple of months away. Where did the time go??? With our big milestone looming, we’re cooking up some special features to help celebrate in style. It…
The New U.K. Online Gambling Law: Cyberlaw 3.0 – or a Return to Cyberlaw 2.0? (Guest Blog Post)
By guest blogger Marketa Trimble The new amendments to the U.K. gambling law in the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 will take effect on November 1, 2014, following a U.K. judge’s rejection of a challenge to the validity of…
2014 Internet Law Casebook and Syllabus Now Available
My 2014 Internet Law syllabus and updated casebook ($8 DRM-free PDF download) are now online. This year I’m celebrating my 20th year teaching the course! (For more background on my Internet Law course, see this essay). This post will explain…