Competitive Keyword Advertising Doesn't Show Bad Intent--ONEpul v. BagSpot

Competitive Keyword Advertising Doesn’t Show Bad Intent–ONEpul v. BagSpot

This case involves dispensers of plastic bags for picking up dogshit. The plaintiff has a registered trademark in the brand “ONEpul.” The defendant describes its bags as “one-pull” (and yet, the term “descriptive fair use” doesn’t appear in the opinion…

Google Successfully Amends Adwords Contract to Add Arbitration–AdTrader v. Google

Some advertisers sued Google over promised refunds for alleged click fraud. Google’s 2013 Adwords contract said: Google may add to, delete from or modify these Terms at any time without liability. The modified Terms will be posted at Customer…

More Aftermath from the 'Worst of Both Worlds FOSTA'

More Aftermath from the ‘Worst of Both Worlds FOSTA’

In my prior post on the Worst of Both Worlds FOSTA, I enumerated three problematic developments that occurred before the bill was signed: * the federal government shut down Backpage without relying on FOSTA’s new provisions. * two different civil…

Google Can Reject Ads Promoting Honey That Claims to Cure Cancer--Abid v. Google

Google Can Reject Ads Promoting Honey That Claims to Cure Cancer–Abid v. Google

Plaintiff Abid claims he has developed “a systems biology empirical approach based on prophetic medicine.” He created a website, Mighty Honey, that provides information about “prophetic medicine”/”Arabic herbal medicine” which appears to be supplement-infused honey (the screenshot to the right…

2H 2017 & Q1 2018 Quick Links, Part 5: Marketing, Advertising, Retailing

Marketing/Advertising * Washington Post: See the cool kids lined up outside that new restaurant? This app pays them to stand there. * AdWeek: Burger King Dug Up a Bunch of Tweets From People Complaining About Wendy’s and Turned Them Into…

VRBO’s Anti-Fraud Guarantee Doesn’t Support Claim Over Fraudulent Listing–Hiam v. HomeAway

A vacationer found a listing of interest on VRBO (owned by HomeAway). After back-and-forth negotiations with the lister, he sent $46k for a week’s rental. The property proved to be fictional, so the vacationer got fleeced. VRBO investigated and, oddly,…

'Worst of Both Worlds' FOSTA Signed Into Law, Completing Section 230's Evisceration

‘Worst of Both Worlds’ FOSTA Signed Into Law, Completing Section 230’s Evisceration

This morning, President Trump signed H.R. 1865, the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 (FOSTA), into law. The bill signing was anticipated, but that doesn’t make the outcome any less terrible. Today, Washington DC regulators…

2H 2017 & Q1 2018 Quick Links, Part 1: Copyright, Trademarks, Keyword Ads

[As you can tell, my ability to prepare these Quick Links posts has degraded substantially…better late than never?] Copyright * The Executive Corp. v. Oisoon, LLC, 2017 WL 4310113 (M.D. Tenn. Sept. 28, 2017). A default judgment: “A section 1202(b)(1)…

Lindsay Lohan Loses Publicity Rights Case Over Grand Theft Auto--Lohan v. Take-Two

Lindsay Lohan Loses Publicity Rights Case Over Grand Theft Auto–Lohan v. Take-Two

Lindsay Lohan is the new spokesperson for, and boy is she qualified to talk about that subject! Her litigiousness should have earned her a street JD. Sadly, though, her voluminous experience with the law hasn’t adequately sharpened her legal acumen, and…

District Court Ruling Highlights Congress' Hastiness To Pass 'Worst of Both Worlds FOSTA'-- Doe 1 v. Backpage

District Court Ruling Highlights Congress’ Hastiness To Pass ‘Worst of Both Worlds FOSTA’– Doe 1 v. Backpage

Backpage has been the poster child for Section 230’s purported failings. The argument goes (1) Backpage facilitates sex trafficking, (2) Section 230 protects Backpage, so (3) Section 230 is evil. That was the core message of the so-called “documentary” I Am Jane…