NC Supreme Court Blesses Unilateral TOS Amendment to Add an Arbitration Clause–Canteen v. Charlotte Metro CU
In 2014, Phillips opened a checking account at Charlotte Metro Credit Union (CMCU) and “entered into a standard membership agreement.” The agreement included a unilateral amendments provision saying that CMCU “may change the terms of this Agreement. We will notify…
A Peek Into the Long Tail of Facebook’s Litigation Docket
I’ve retired my old Quick Links format, so instead I’m rounding up a couple of Facebook cases that hit my alerts. Georgia Auto Group LLC v. Meta Platforms Inc., 2024 WL 2260718 (M.D. Ga. May 17, 2024) I’m blogging this…

X Corp. v. Bright Data is the Decision We’ve Been Waiting For (Guest Blog Post)
by guest blogger Guy Rub, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law A Web Scraper Beats a Platform: The Same Story, but Different It seems like we’ve been here before, and not that long ago. A platform sues a web…

Elon Musk’s Gifts to Web Scrapers (Guest Blog Post)
By Kieran McCarthy Elon Musk may have done more to open the Internet to web scraping than any person or public interest advocacy group. Not that he meant to do this, mind you. He was trying to do the opposite….

Ninth Circuit Upholds “Sign-in-Wrap”–Keebaugh v. Warner Bros.
This is a false advertising lawsuit again the mobile app game Game of Thrones: Conquest. The account formation process included a screen where a user could proceed only by clicking on the “play” button: Warner Bros. sought to send the…
They Should Have Used a Dickwrap–Weeks v. Interactive Life Forms
Brinan Weeks claims to be a comedian. I strongly suspect this lawsuit is an extension of his routine or that he’s using it to generate new material. He claims: he purchased a device called a Stamina Training Unit (STU) from…
YouTube Defeats Claim Over Content Removal/Demonetization–Haocheng v. YouTube
Haocheng ran several monetized channels on YouTube. He claims that the Chinese Communist Party submitted takedown demands targeting his content, which YouTube ultimately honored. He sued YouTube claiming that the content removals breached YouTube’s contract. YouTube easily wins. The plaintiff…

TOS Formation Isn’t Hard to Do Right…Is It?–Tejon v. Zeus
Zeus Networks is a paywalled video site of “influencer”-produced content. 🙄 The plaintiffs allege that Zeus violated the VPPA. 🙄🙄 Zeus tries to direct the lawsuit to arbitration per its TOS, but the court says its TOS failed. Here’s the…

Ninth Circuit Does More Ninth Circuit Things in its Latest Section 230 Ruling–Diep v. Apple
Yet another cryptocurrency fraud case. 🙄 I previously described this case: This lawsuit relates to the “Toast Plus” app that was available in Apple’s app store. The plaintiffs claim it was a spoof app designed to steal cryptocurrency worth $5k…

Court Says Twitter Misused Litigation to Punish Defendants for Their Speech–X v. CCDH
Self-proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk is notoriously thin-skinned when it comes to criticism directed at him. (As the phrase goes, “he can dish it out, but he can’t take it“). This well-publicized lawsuit is an example of Musk waging lawfare…