Call for Papers/Participation, 3rd Annual Internet Law Work-in-Progress Conference, SCU, March 16, 2013

By Eric Goldman We invite you to participate in the Third Annual Internet Law Work-in-Progress conference at Santa Clara University School of Law on March 16, 2013. The conference series is co-sponsored by the High Tech Law Institute at Santa…

Introducing Blogging Assistant Jake McGowan, and Another Request for Help

By Eric Goldman As I recently mentioned, I am also blogging at my Forbes blog, Tertium Quid. To help balance out some of this blog’s workload, I’m pleased to introduce the Technology & Marketing Law Blog’s first-ever blogging assistant, Jake…

Now Available: My Internet Law Syllabus and Reader for Fall 2012

By Eric Goldman I posted my syllabus and my course reader (a $7.50 download at Gumroad) for Fall 2012. If you teach Internet Law (or hope to), email me if you’d like a free copy of the reader plus my…

Physical Props for Teaching the IP Survey Course

By Eric Goldman [Note: this post is intended for readers who teach the IP Survey course or related courses. If that’s not you, you might want to skip this post.] I’m sure many of you are aware of the Georgetown…

Having a Facebook or Twitter Account Shouldn’t Mean Mandatory California Vacations if You Get Sued (Forbes Cross-Post)

By Eric Goldman [Given how I feel about blogging on civil procedure topics, it’s ironic that my first substantive post to Tertium Quid is about Internet jurisdiction of all things. Still, this was an easy rehash of some recent blog…

Now Blogging at “Tertium Quid” at Forbes

By Eric Goldman I’ve launched a new blog called “Tertium Quid” through the Forbes blogging platform. My introductory post there gives some background and explains the name. I expect to cover a lot of the same topics I currently cover…

Bank Can’t Use Facebook for Service of Process — Fortunato v. Chase Bank

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Fortunato v. Chase Bank USA, N.A., 2012 WL 2086950 (S.D.N.Y.; June 7, 2012) [pdf] Fortunato was an apparent victim of identify theft–her estranged daughter allegedly opened up a Chase credit card in her name and racked…

Illinois Supreme Court Says Woman Deceived by Fake Online Relationship Can’t Sue for Misrepresentation -– Bonhomme v. St. James

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Bohomme v. St. James, 2012 IL 112393 (May 24, 2012) Most people take for granted that people aren’t 100% truthful when interacting online. On one end of the spectrum, people make misstatements that are widely acknowledged…

Tea Partiers Wage War Against Each Other Over a Google Groups Account–Kremer v. Tea Party Patriots

By Eric Goldman Kremer v. Tea Party Patriots, Inc., 2012 WL 639134 (Ga. App. Ct. Feb. 29, 2012). The docket. I’m going to exercise extraordinary restraint and not crack any jokes about the Tea Party movement or its adherents. Kremer…

Call for Papers, 2nd Annual Internet Law Work-in-Progress Symposium, NYC, March 24, 2012

By Eric Goldman For more information about this work-in-progress series, you might check out my recap from the inaugural event. This is a wonderful event in a fantastic location with a group of terrific scholars. I am eagerly looking forward…