Cross-Border Legal Challenges in High Tech Law, January 26

By Eric Goldman Our student-run Computer & High Tech Law Journal is putting on a conference, Cross-Border Legal Challenges in High Tech Law, January 26 at the San Jose Museum of Art. See the conference website. It would be great…

2006 Blog Year-in-Review

by Eric Goldman Most Popular Blog Posts of the Year 1) O’Reilly and the “Web 2.0” Trademark 2) NYT on Fair Use and Documentaries (overflow from Slashdotting of #1) 3) GEICO v. Google Opinion (Finally) Issued 4) Competitor’s Keyword Ad…

My Wikipedia Page is Safe (For Now…)

By Eric Goldman In my last post on Wikipedia, I mentioned that my personal Wikipedia page had been tagged “article lacks information on the importance of the subject matter.” Shortly thereafter, things took the inevitable turn for the worse–the page…

Site Outage and Comments

By Eric Goldman The website and blogs had a 4+ hour outage today. My web host pulled the plug (sadly, without warning me) because “it was crashing the server with 250 other customers on it. Something on your website is…

Fall 2006 Cyberlaw Syllabus

By Eric Goldman I’ve posted the syllabus for my Fall 2006 Cyberspace Law course. As I have done for the past 11 years, I prepared my own materials. To do so, I cull through all of the action from the…

Blog Law Recap

By Eric Goldman Spring was a busy time for blog law! This post recap some blog law resources: * My talk on blogs and intellectual property at the Milwaukee Bar Association (newly posted) * Notes from my talk on blog…

June 2006 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman I have had virtually no Internet access over the past 10 days due to my move and travels, so my Bloglines account was bulging with more than 1700 articles. Here’s a quick look at some of the…

Quick Links May 2006

By Eric Goldman My blogging queue has gotten too thick. Here’s some items that caught my attention that I’ve been meaning to blog and simply haven’t gotten to. * I previously blogged about Chris Wilson, the website operator who allowed…

North Carolina Blogging Conference Recap

By Eric Goldman Sorry to post yet another conference recap on blog law, but it’s been a busy conference season, and everyone wants to talk about blogs! I previously blogged on my presentation at the University of North Carolina’s conference…

Bloggership Conference Recap

By Eric Goldman I spent yesterday at the Bloggership: How Blogs are Transforming Legal Scholarship conference at Harvard Law School. As one might expect, the day was filled with self-referential navel-gazing of the first order, kicked off by Paul Caron’s…