Court Denies AFP/Getty Bid to Set Aside Morel Copyright Verdict
The dust is settling on AFP v. Morel, and the wreckage that emerges isn’t pretty. Following trial, a jury awarded Morel $1,503,889.77 in actual and statutory damages for infringement. The jury also found that defendants violated Morel’s rights under the…

New Copyright Office Compendium Discussion About Designating Sec. 512 Agents
The Copyright Office has released a pretty nifty document called the Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, Third Edition. The second edition was written 30 years ago, so it’s about time we got a new edition! I thought the document…

Announcing the Second Edition of “Advertising & Marketing Law: Cases and Materials” by Tushnet & Goldman
Rebecca Tushnet and I are pleased to announce the release of Advertising & Marketing Law: Cases and Materials, second edition (2014). It’s available at Gumroad as a $11.50 DRM-free download (PDF version / epub mobile device version) and other outlets….

Copying Blogger’s Posts In Disciplinary Proceeding Is Fair Use–Denison v. Larkin
The plaintiff, JoAnne M. Denison, is an Illinois attorney and operated a blog, MaryGSykes.com. Denison blogged about a guardianship case she believed was marred by corruption. The Illinois attorney disciplinary board alleged that she made false statements on her blog…

Fair Use Likely Protects Discussion of Blog Post and Comments
This is a lawsuit between pro se parties. As the court notes, the feud between the parties largely took place online, but eventually “found its way into federal court”. Plaintiff is the publisher the “Hogewash!” blog. Defendant is a “retired…

Q2 2014 Quick Links, Part 1 (IP)
Trademark * Barton Beebe has posted a new free casebook, Trademark Law: An Open-Source Casebook. Quite possibly the new gold standard of trademark casebooks. Check it out! * Hollywood, Esq.: Chubby Checker Settles Penis Size App Lawsuit. Prior blog post. *…

Another Blogger Wins a Fair Use Defense For a Photo–Leveyfilm v. Fox Sports
Danielle Wysocki blogged at “The Jersey Catcher,” a sports blog for women. On December 6, 2010, she blogged about a lawsuit over the 1985 novelty rap song “The Super Bowl Shuffle,” sung by members of the Chicago Bears football team….
Four Unanswered Questions From Aereo’s Supreme Court Loss (Forbes Cross-Post)
The Supreme Court ruled that Aereo infringed broadcasters’ copyrights by transmitting, in near-real-time, the stream of over-the-air television broadcasts, even when it did so at viewers’ direction. Adopting a pragmatic and functional assessment of Aereo’s activities, the majority held that…

Republishing Litigation Brief Is Fair Use–White v. Westlaw
It’s a perennial question in copyright law: to what extent does copyright law protect attorney-drafted documents such as litigation briefs or contracts? Despite the venerability of the issue (I tested on copyrightability of contracts in my 2002 copyright class), we…
Griping Blogger Can Show Photo Of Griping Target–Katz v. Chevaldina
Chelvadina griped about Raanan Katz on her blog. As is common practice for bloggers, Chelvadina included a headshot photo of Katz. The court says the photo is unflattering (I’ll let you decide). Chevaldina found the photo on an Israeli website…