Court Says Keyword Metatags Don’t Matter–Standard Process v. Banks
…minimal acknowledgement to keyword metatags. Lawyers, on the other hand, have been living in a parallel fantasy universe where keyword metatags single-handedly divert unwaveringly brand-loyal customers to piratical competitors. Even…
11th Circuit Freaks Out About Metatags–North American Medical v. Axiom
…Circuit on metatags. The parties compete in the “spinal decompression” device market. Defendant Axiom included the plaintiff NAM’s trademarks “Accu-Spina” and “IDD Therapy” in the metatags but did not otherwise…
1-800 SKI VAIL Doesn’t Infringe–Vail Associates v. Vend-Tel-Co
…index the metatags? What content did searchers see in search results triggered by metatags that were actually indexed? In the case of the keyword advertising, what did the ad copy…
ABA IP Section Quietly Considering Anti-Consumer Proposals to Regulate Keyword Advertising
…1990s, some search engines considered “hidden text” such as metatags in their rankings algorithms. Today, many search engines—most notably Google—simply ignore hidden metatags when making ranking determinations. If a website…
2007 Blog Year-in-Review
…Amicus Brief [overflow from #1] 4) — An Update 5) Regulating “Stealth” Marketing [overflow from #2] 6) Keyword Ads and Metatags Don’t Confuse Consumers–J.G. Wentworth v. Settlement Funding 7)…
December 2007 Quick Links
…statement was made in the context of a counterfeit component part, but it sounds like a good reason to reject liability for including trademarks in keyword metatags. * Todd Hollis…
Yet Another NY Court Says Keyword Ads & Metatags Aren’t TM Use in Commerce–S&L Vitamins v. Australian Gold
…Keyword Ads, Metatags and Trademarks In this case, S&L initiated a declaratory judgment against Australian Gold. By bringing a DJ, S&L kept the case in a Second Circuit jurisdiction–where courts…
Keyword Metatags Revisited
…metatags and Inktomi (part of Yahoo) and Teoma (part of Ask) publicly acknowledged that they indexed keyword metatags. Even though Yahoo and Ask display search results based on keyword metatags,…
Another Court in 2d Cir. Says Buying Keyword Ads Isn’t TM Use in Commerce– v.
…Merck, Hamzik wrt keyword triggering only and Site Pro-1). (As an added bonus, this case, like the Site Pro-1 case, says that keyword metatags aren’t a trademark use in commerce…
Another NY Court Says Keyword Triggering Isn’t TM Use in Commerce–Site Pro-1 v. Better Metal
…court reject the trademark claim on competitive metatag usage; the more standard “metatags = infringement” proposition has bothered me for years. And it’s nice to have another vote that competitive…