AWS Can’t Shake BIPA Lawsuit for Providing Services to NBA 2K–Mayhall v. Amazon
[This opinion from May just showed up in my alerts. I believe that’s because the court and parties are battling over redactions. There have been other decisions involving BIPA, NBA 2K, and sometimes AWS that I haven’t comprehensively blogged. I…

When It Comes to Section 230, the Ninth Circuit is a Chaos Agent–Estate of Bride v. YOLO
The Ninth Circuit is interpreting Section 230 again. Time to grab your tissue box. * * * The Jenga-ing of Section 230 continues in the Ninth Circuit. This time, the court blows up the Barnes precedent, which created a promissory…

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Key Part of the CA Age-Appropriate Design Code (the Rest is TBD)–NetChoice v. Bonta
The California Age-Appropriate Design Code (AADC) is a “think of the kids” law that nominally purports to protect kids’ privacy. However, as I will explain in my forthcoming Segregate-and-Suppress article, it hurts children and advances censorship…so it’s just bad policy–and…

It’s Hard to Bind Former Subscribers to TOS Amendments–Brooks v. WarnerMedia
This is a VPPA case over Meta Pixels. 🙄🙄🙄 Everyone agrees this lawsuit will be going to arbitration per the HBO Max TOS. However, in 2022, HBO Max swapped arbitration providers from AAA to NAM. The opinion doesn’t clearly explain…

Coursera Wins a TOS Formation Battle, But With Heavy Losses–Ghazizadeh v. Coursera
This is a VPPA case 🙄. Coursera invoked the arbitration clause in its TOS. It gets the arbitration it wanted, but via a messy opinion that does not represent a clean approval of its TOS management practices. Check out how…
Facebook Defeats BIPA Face-Scanning Lawsuit–Zellmer v. Meta
It’s unexpectedly turned into “BIPA Week” here at the Technology & Marketing Law Blog. 🥳 Yesterday, I blogged about an unsuccessful BIPA challenge to PhotoDNA. Today, I’m blogging about an unsuccessful BIPA challenge to Facebook’s friend-tagging feature. Despite the festivities,…

Will Biometric Privacy Laws Undermine the Fight Against CSAM?–Martell v. X
This lawsuit involves the widely used PhotoDNA database, a cornerstone of the fight against online child sexual abuse material (CSAM). PhotoDNA renders hash values of identified CSAM items and then enables services to block images with identical hash values. In…

Ninth Circuit Does More Ninth Circuit Things in its Latest Section 230 Ruling–Diep v. Apple
Yet another cryptocurrency fraud case. 🙄 I previously described this case: This lawsuit relates to the “Toast Plus” app that was available in Apple’s app store. The plaintiffs claim it was a spoof app designed to steal cryptocurrency worth $5k…

Court Says Twitter Misused Litigation to Punish Defendants for Their Speech–X v. CCDH
Self-proclaimed free-speech absolutist Elon Musk is notoriously thin-skinned when it comes to criticism directed at him. (As the phrase goes, “he can dish it out, but he can’t take it“). This well-publicized lawsuit is an example of Musk waging lawfare…

Section 230 Applies to Claims Over Hijacked Accounts (Except Maybe Verified Accounts)–Wozniak v. YouTube
More Bitcoin litigation 🙄. This time, malefactors hijacked popular YouTube channels and uploaded videos promoting Bitcoin scams: First, scammers will breach YouTube’s security to unlawfully gain access to verified and popular YouTube channels with tens or hundreds of thousands of…