Video Advertising Contract Descends Into Possible “Cyberattack”–Radian Weapons v. GY6Vids
This is a lawsuit between Radian Weapons and GY6Vids, a company that Radian hired to promote Radian’s products on YouTube. (GY’s YouTube channel currently has almost seven hundred thousand subscribers. Press coverage of the lawsuit from The Bulletin here.) The…
An Analysis of Title II of Public Law 115-264: The Classics Protection and Access Act (Guest Blog Post)
by guest blogger Tyler Ochoa On October 11, 2018, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1551, the Orrin G. Hatch-Bob Goodlatte Music Modernization Act, which became Public Law 115-364, 132 Stat. 3676. The Act contains three titles pertaining to copyright law. Title…
Google Successfully Amends Its AdWords TOS to Add Arbitration Clause–Trudeau v. Google
Some AdWords advertisers are suing Google for allegedly misimplementing negative keywords. Google seeks to move the dispute to arbitration. In 2013, Google’s AdWords TOS said: 11 Term. Google may add to, delete from or modify these Terms at any time…

California Amends the Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA); Fixes About 0.01% of its Problems
Recently, Gov. Brown signed SB 1121, the first of possibly several amendments designed to fix and rehabilitate the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Here is the complete statute as revised. I prepared a redline showing the amendments. The amendments make…
Another Social Media “Material Support to Terrorists” Lawsuit Fails–Cain v. Twitter
This is one of the many cases against social media platforms alleging that they provided “material support” to terrorists. As a group, these lawsuits have gone nowhere, and this one doesn’t either. ATA Direct Liability. As with other cases, the…

Twitter Isn’t Liable for Impersonation Account–Dehen v. Doe
Tiffany Dehen is a 2016 alumna of University of San Diego’s law school. Her website declares that she is “a true American and Patriotic Trump Supporter,” and her photo album includes a photo of her smiling with Dinesh D’Souza. She claims…

Roca Labs’ Anti-Review Clause Violates FTC Act–FTC v. Roca Labs
Good news: a court ruled that Roca Labs anti-review clause violates the law. It’s shocking that Roca Labs chose to defend this practice in court, so it’s not surprising that the judge didn’t endorse it. Bad news: the court relied…

Announcing the 2018 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook
I’m pleased to announce this year’s edition of my Internet Law casebook, Internet Law: Cases & Materials. It’s available for sale as a PDF at Gumroad for $10, as a Kindle book for $9.99, in hard copy at Amazon for…

Advertiser’s Suit Against Google Loses for Third (and Final) Time–Abid v. Google
I previously described this case: “Abid markets cancer-curing honey. He bought AdWords to promote his MightyHoney website. Google rejected the ads.” The court has dismissed this pro se lawsuit twice already, each time without prejudice. Prior blog posts from April…

Businesses Cannot Contractually Ban “Abusive” Consumer Reviews
An article recently posted to SSRN argues that the Consumer Review Fairness Act (CRFA) purportedly lets businesses contractually ban “abusive” reviews. If this is correct, it could affect millions of businesses and hundreds of millions of consumers. However, the article’s…