Facebook's Website Isn't Governed by the ADA--Lloyd v. Facebook

Facebook’s Website Isn’t Governed by the ADA–Lloyd v. Facebook

This is a standard kitchen-sink pro se lawsuit against Facebook, but it touches a couple of key blog themes that makes it worth covering. Americans With Disabilities Act Lloyd claims that the Facebook website violates the ADA Title III. Citing…

More Evidence that FOSTA Benefited No One

More Evidence that FOSTA Benefited No One

This is another empirical study into FOSTA’s effects. At the Stanford Trust & Safety conference, I heard a presentation of this paper: Helen Shuxuan Zeng, Brett Danaher, & Michael D. Smith, Internet Governance Through Site Shutdowns: The Impact of Shutting…

Section 230 Applies to Sellers' Listings on Auto Auction Service--Cohen v. Copart

Section 230 Applies to Sellers’ Listings on Auto Auction Service–Cohen v. Copart

Copart runs an auto auction website that includes “repairable” cars, i.e., junkers. The plaintiff sued for three alleged misrepresentations, including: On vehicle pages, Copart displays an Estimated Retail Value for the vehicle. Plaintiff contends that this number is false and…

Uber Defeats Driver’s Wrongful Death Lawsuit–Drammeh v. Uber

Ceesay, an Uber driver, picked up 2 passengers who allegedly murdered him so they could steal his car. A story about the tragedy. The passengers allegedly created a “fake” Uber account using a prepaid cellphone and gift cards. The estate…

Muslim Loses Case Against Facebook Over Discriminatory Content Moderation--Elansari v. Meta

Muslim Loses Case Against Facebook Over Discriminatory Content Moderation–Elansari v. Meta

Elansari is Muslim. This is not his first time as a plaintiff. In this lawsuit, he claims that Facebook blocks pro-Palestinian publishers and favors pro-Israeli publishers. Thus, he argues, Jewish readers are more likely to get the information they want…

Another Example of How "Notice and Explanations" Requirements are a Liability Trap--Shared v. Facebook

Another Example of How “Notice and Explanations” Requirements are a Liability Trap–Shared v. Facebook

Shared.com is a content producer. It ran Facebook self-service ads and participated in Facebook’s “instant articles” program that let Facebook embed ads in its content in exchange for a revenue cut. Starting in 2018, Shared “lost access” to the instant…

Photo Licensing Service Qualifies for DMCA Online Safe Harbor–Steinmetz v. ShutterStock

This is a 512(c) online copyright safe harbor case. We rarely see opinions like this any more. In 2022, I’ve blogged just one other 512(c) case (Davis v. Pinterest). (Business Casual v. YouTube should have been a 512(c) case, but…

Section 230 Protect Apple's App Store from Claims Over Cryptocurrency Theft--Diep v. Apple

Section 230 Protect Apple’s App Store from Claims Over Cryptocurrency Theft–Diep v. Apple

This lawsuit relates to the “Toast Plus” app that was available in Apple’s app store. The plaintiffs claim it was a spoof app designed to steal cryptocurrency worth $5k in Diep’s case and $500k in Nagao’s case (ouch). The plaintiffs’…

Section 230 Doesn't Protect App Stores That Sell Virtual Chips for Casino Apps--In re Apple App Store

Section 230 Doesn’t Protect App Stores That Sell Virtual Chips for Casino Apps–In re Apple App Store

Introduction This case relates to “social casino apps” that simulate casino games like slot machines. Players pay real cash to buy virtual chips, which they can only use in the app, i.e., the player can never cash out their virtual…

Another Tough Ruling for People Search Databases--Camacho v. Control Group Media

Another Tough Ruling for People Search Databases–Camacho v. Control Group Media

This is another people search case with another rough outcome for defendants. If the defendants in these cases don’t get relief on appeal, I don’t know how the people search and yearbook industries are going to survive. [Note: this opinion…