Blogspot Sued for Dead Blogger’s Content–Davis v. Google
By Eric Goldman Davis v. Google, 09 CH 15753 (Cook County Ct. complaint filed April 9, 2009) Venkat sent a very interesting lawsuit this morning that raises some complex policy issues. The complaint alleges that Sean Healy created a blog…
Q1 2009 Quick Links, Part 3
By Eric Goldman Blogging and Social Networking Sites * A new version of the EFF Legal Guide to Blogging. While you’re there, consider joining EFF as a member. The EFF does first-rate work, and they can use all the support…
47 USC 230 Talk at Fordham
By Eric Goldman A couple weeks ago, I gave a 12 minute talk at Fordham Law School as part of a day-long conference on intermediaries. My talk notes: ___ 230(c)(1) means websites and other actors aren’t liable for third party…
Republishing MySpace Post in Local Paper Might Be Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress–Moreno v. Hanford Sentinel
By Eric Goldman Moreno v. Hanford Sentinel, Inc., 2009 WL 866795 (Cal. App. Ct. April 2, 2009) This is one of the most interesting cases I’ve seen in a while. Moreno was a UC Berkeley undergraduate who grew up in…
Second Circuit Says Google’s Keyword Ad Sales May Be Use in Commerce–Rescuecom v. Google
By Eric Goldman Rescuecom Corp. v. Google Inc., 562 F.3d 123 (2d Cir. April 3, 2009) The Second Circuit has issued its long-anticipated opinion in Rescuecom v. Google over Google’s sale of trademarked keywords as ad triggers. In a disappointing…
Web Host Convicted of State Child Porn Crimes Despite 230–People v. Gourlay
By Eric Goldman People v. Gourlay, 2009 WL 529216 (Mich. App. Ct. March 3, 2009) Hot on the heels of the Cook County Sheriff’s publicity stunt filing against Craigslist, we get an interesting but complicated ruling exploring the application of…
“Locate Plastic Surgeon” Trademark Registrant Brings Dubious Enforcement Action–Ezzo v. Google
By Eric Goldman Ezzo v. Google, 2:09-CV-00159 (M.D. Fla. complaint filed March 17, 2009). The Justia page. I’m suffering ennui about blogging pro se lawsuits against companies like Google. Most of them are completely unmeritorious and poorly expressed, so they…
Soccer Coach Shut Out in Message Board Lawsuit–Joyner v. Lazzareschi
By Eric Goldman Joyner v. Lazzareschi, 2009 WL 695539 (Cal. App. Ct. March 18, 2009) Joyner is a Southern California soccer coach who merged two girls soccer teams into one, a decision that sparked a near-riot in the local girls…
Union Isn’t Liable for Members’ Postings to Union Message Board–Raggi v. Las Vegas Police
By Eric Goldman Raggi v. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept., 2009 WL 653000 (D. Nev. March 10, 2009) Unexpectedly, we’re celebrating union week at the Technology & Marketing Law Blog. Earlier this week, I blogged that union organizers aren’t liable…
IEEE ComSoc SCV Talk: “Engineers’ Role in Internet Law Development”
By Eric Goldman Last week, I gave a talk at a meeting of the IEEE Communications Society, Santa Clara Valley chapter. I don’t often get the chance to speak to a group of engineers, so I decided to go in…