Facebook Easily Defeats Lawsuit Over User Posts--Hicks v. Bradford

Facebook Easily Defeats Lawsuit Over User Posts–Hicks v. Bradford

Whoa, what a flashback. 😵 We used to see lawsuits like this 15+ years ago, but we don’t see them any more because they are so obviously doomed by Section 230. This case involves a shooting of police officers. Multiple…

Ninth Circuit Easily Dismisses Account Termination Case--King v. Facebook

Ninth Circuit Easily Dismisses Account Termination Case–King v. Facebook

This is a standard account termination case. The specific facts don’t matter to the outcome, but I enumerate a little more detail in my prior blog post. The 9th Circuit panel’s very short narrative includes: “there is no private right…

LawTuber Loses Defamation Case--Broughty v. Bouzy

LawTuber Loses Defamation Case–Broughty v. Bouzy

Broughty, using an alias, runs the “Nate the Lawyer” channel, part of the LawTube community, with over a quarter-million followers and 27M views. Like many other LawTubers, he sided against Heard in his coverage of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial….

Another Doctor Learns Why It's Unwise to Sue Patients

Another Doctor Learns Why It’s Unwise to Sue Patients

Dr. Wilbur Hah is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in Texas. In 2020, he performed procedures for four patients, Chesson, Gage, Melton, and Robinson (tragically now deceased). All of the patients signed a “Contract of Reasonable Expectations” that restricted “post[ing] any…

Instagram Account Termination Case Fails--Johnson v. Instagram

Instagram Account Termination Case Fails–Johnson v. Instagram

This is yet another account termination case. I just blogged one involving LinkedIn yesterday. Different social media service, same result–case dismissed. Johnson’s Instagram account, @LICKMYKAKEZ, had 2.8M followers. She ran a business selling adult toys and promoted the business on…

Another LinkedIn Account Termination Case Fails--Gundogdu v. LinkedIn

Another LinkedIn Account Termination Case Fails–Gundogdu v. LinkedIn

Another account termination case. The plaintiff shared “her religious conservative opinions” on LinkedIn. LinkedIn closed the account because she allegedly shared misleading COVID information. “Plaintiff claims that her beliefs against the COVID-19 vaccines are rooted in religion.” She also claims…

Section 230 Immunizes Facebook's "Design and Architecture" Choices--M.P. v. Meta

Section 230 Immunizes Facebook’s “Design and Architecture” Choices–M.P. v. Meta

This case involves the murderous attack by Dylann Roof against the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., killing nine African-Americans. A victim’s daughter sued Facebook, alleging that Facebook’s “design and architecture” radicalized Roof, and that should disqualify Facebook for Section…

Texan J6er's Social Media Censorship Case Moved to California--Davis v. Facebook

Texan J6er’s Social Media Censorship Case Moved to California–Davis v. Facebook

Paul Davis is a lawyer and a self-described “J6er,” i.e., a participant in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol insurrection. (His current Instagram bio: “God-fearing, freedom-fighting, ultra-MAGA🔥⬆️TX lawyer for patriots ✝️⚖️🇺🇸 J6er”). His legacy Facebook and Instagram accounts got suspended…

DC Circuit Upholds FOSTA's Constitutionality (By Narrowing It)--Woodhull v. U.S.

DC Circuit Upholds FOSTA’s Constitutionality (By Narrowing It)–Woodhull v. U.S.

FOSTA is terrible social policy that hurt multiple communities without clearly benefiting any community, but its bad results don’t automatically make it unconstitutional. In response to a facial constitutional challenge to FOSTA, the DC Circuit upheld the law after making…

Armslist Defeats Lawsuits Over Illegal Gun Sales (Without Section 230's Help)--Webber v. Armslist

Armslist Defeats Lawsuits Over Illegal Gun Sales (Without Section 230’s Help)–Webber v. Armslist

Armslist publishes users’ classified ads for guns. Two estates sued Armslist for allegedly facilitating illegal gun sales that led to murders. My blog post on the district court rulings. Section 230’s availability in such situations is uncertain, but on appeal,…