Everything You Wanted to Know About Emojis and the Law
For the past couple of years, I have invested significantly in all things emojis. This post rounds up everything I’ve done during that period. 1) Emojis and the Law Article I’m pleased to announce the final version of my paper,…
512(h) Doesn’t Preempt Doe Unmasking Lawsuits–Strike 3 v. Doe
This is my second Strike 3 blog post this week. I imagine this won’t be the last. In this case, a Doe defendant sought to quash the unmasking subpoena submitted to his/her IAP. The defendant argued that the unmasking subpoena was…
Failure-to-Warn Claim Against Match.com Fails–Beckman v. Match.com
The Ninth Circuit’s Doe 14 v. Internet Brands and Beckman v. Match.com rulings held that Section 230 immunity did not apply to failure-to-warn claims. Those rulings revived both cases and provided some encouragement to plaintiffs more generally. However, this hope…

Restricting Competitive Keyword Ads Is Anti-Competitive–FTC v. 1-800 Contacts
Starting in 2002 and continuing for about a decade, 1-800 Contacts systematically locked up many of its online contact lenses retail competitors into settlement agreements that prohibited the parties from bidding on each other’s trademarks at the search engines. Perhaps…
Ninth Circuit Easily Dismisses YouTube Remove-and-Relocate Case–Darnaa v. Google
This is one of the many lawsuits against YouTube for removing videos and relocating them to a new URL, which resets the view count and breaks inbound links. This case, involving the “musician” Darnaa, generated a little buzz a couple…
512(f) Claim Over Counternotice Survives Motion to Dismiss–Handshoe v. Perret
[Oops, this post got stuck in my draft folder. Better late than never.] Whew, this case will never end. I’ve blogged it a few times over the years, including a ruling not that long ago. It’s showing up again on…
Court Blasts “Copyright Troll” for Treating Courts “as an ATM”–Strike 3 v. Doe
Strike 3 produces pornography. The court calls it a “copyright troll.” It has filed nearly 2,000 copyright infringement cases in the past 13 months. With that many cases, it’s bound to run into a skeptical judge, and whoa, did Judge…

Gambling App Fails to Create Binding Terms of Service–Wilson v. Huuuge
I’ve blogged about the Big Fish gambling case before Judge Leighton. He declined to order arbitration in that case, finding that Big Fish waived its right to arbitrate by extensively litigating the case. Judge Leighton is hearing some other similar…

Another Suspended Twitter User Loses in Court–Kimbrell v. Twitter
Just last month, I blogged about a suspended Twitter user who lost in court. This pro se lawsuit also fails. It makes me wonder: how many other suspended Twitter users have pending cases in court? This lawsuit is also one…
Another YouTube Remove-and-Relocate Case Fails–Kinney v. YouTube
This is one of numerous cases relating to YouTube’s crackdowns on videos allegedly promoted by bots. YouTube removed the videos from the promoted URLs and relocated them to new URLs, thus stripping the initial videos of the benefits of the…