The DOJ’s Busts of MyRedbook & Rentboy Show How Backpage Might Be Prosecuted (Guest Blog Post)
by guest blogger Cary Glynn [Eric’s introduction: Backpage has defeated numerous efforts by civil litigants and state AGs to shut it down, with substantial help from Section 230. These unsuccessful enforcement efforts have fueled a key narrative for SESTA that, because of Section…

Nigerians Phish a B2B Transaction & Steal $736k. Who Bears the Loss?–Beau Townsend Ford v. Don Hinds Ford
This case could be a law school exam. Beau Townsend Ford (the seller) was looking to unload Ford Explorers in bulk. Their sales guy connects with a person at Don Hinds Ford (the buyer). They had transacted with each other…

Problems With SESTA’s Retroactivity Provision (Guest Blog Post)
by guest blogger Alex Levy The “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) is riddled with problems, discussed here, here, here, here, and here. However, very little attention has been paid to Section 3(b), which proposes making the civil provision retroactive: “the amendment made by subsection (a)(2)(B)…
New Essay: The Ten Most Important Section 230 Rulings
[It’s impossible to blog about Section 230 without reminding you that it remains highly imperiled.] I’ve posted a new essay entitled “The Ten Most Important Section 230 Rulings.” It will be published in the Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property. Everyone loves…

My Senate Testimony on SESTA + SESTA Hearing Linkwrap
Last week, the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on the Stop Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 (SESTA). I testified as an academic expert on Section 230. My remarks: * * * I appreciate this opportunity to testify about…

Debunking Some Myths About Section 230 and Sex Trafficking (Guest Blog Post)
By guest blogger Alex Levy [Eric’s introduction: Human trafficking expert Alex Levy is back, and this time, she busts some myths about the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017 (“SESTA”). Like my post this morning, her post was written before last week’s Senate hearing,…

Congress Is About To Ruin Its Online Free Speech Masterpiece (Cross-Post)
[Before last week’s Senate hearing on SESTA, I posted a version of this blog post on the ACS Blog. This has been partially superseded by my Senate testimony, which I’ll post more about shortly.] In 1996, Congress became concerned that excessive liability…
University Defeats Cyberbullying Lawsuit Related to Yik Yak–Feminist Majority v. UMW
The plaintiffs are students that run a feminist group at the University of Mary Washington, a public university in Virginia. In response to their public advocacy, they claim that they were cyberbullied via Yik Yak. (Examples of the posted Yaks: “these feminists…

Ninth Circuit Blesses Amazon’s Terms of Service
Plaintiff appealed from a district court order granting Amazon’s motion to compel arbitration based on an arbitration clause in its “Conditions of Use.” My blog post on the trial court ruling: “Court Enforces Arbitration Clause in Amazon’s Terms of Service–Fagerstrom…
Face Scanning Lawsuit Against Shutterfly Survives Motion to Dismiss
This is a lawsuit against Shutterfly alleging violations of Illinois’ biometric information privacy act. The plaintiff, who is not a Shutterfly customer, alleged that a photograph of him was uploaded (by a Shutterfly customer) to Shutterfly’s site and the uploader…