Regulating Reputational Systems Slides
By Eric Goldman
Last week, I presented my Regulating Reputational Systems talk to non-lawyers at the Jewish High Tech Community. My talk slides. I’ve been working on this topic now for about 18 months, and I’m finally getting closer to nailing down the arguments and writing up the papers. As you can see from the slides, I believe I have come up with an under-explored policy justification for 47 USC 230. As always, comments appreciated.
I will be giving slight variations of this talk four more times this semester:
* at the UC Berkeley School of Information on April 14, 4 pm.
* at the San Jose State School of Library and Information Science on May 11, noon. I believe this will be webcast, and I will post the details to my Twitter account.
* at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands, on May 28.
* at the University of Amsterdam on June 1, noon.
If you would like to attend any of these event, please email me and I will provide details as they become set. If you are in the Netherlands and would like to visit professionally or socially on my trip, please email me.
Some previous versions of my reputation talk slides:
* DePaul Reputation Talk Slides (October 2009)
* George Mason Talk and Paper on Economics of Reputational Information (May 2009)
* Economics of Reputational Information Talks (Oct. 2008)
* Economics of Reputational Information Talk (Aug. 2008)