This is yet another #MAGA lawsuit. The plaintiff claimed that Google deindexed conservatives in a biased way. This particular plaintiff chose perhaps the least likely path to advance that claim, emphasizing RICO claims. As we all know, it’s never civil…

Domen posted videos advocating for sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE). Vimeo terminated his account. Domen sued Vimeo for the termination, alleging that it discriminated against him. The district court dismissed Domen’s complaint. The Second Circuit affirmed, in a precedent-setting opinion…

At the request of Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), a Canadian think-tank, I wrote a short essay called “Five Things to Know About Section 230.” It’s a brief-and-breezy overview of Section 230 to get Canadian readers up-to-speed on our…

Selden sued Airbnb for racial discrimination. Airbnb invoked its arbitration clause. Five years ago, the district court sent the case to arbitration. Selden lost the arbitration because a room in an owner-occupied, single-family residence isn’t a public accommodation (similar to…

A class of plaintiffs sued the credit bureau TransUnion, alleging that they were improperly placed on a “watch list” that TransUnion offered to supplement credit reports. TransUnion’s watch list was designed to help businesses avoid transacting with people who were…

The plaintiff is deaf. He tried to watch videos on the USA Today website but couldn’t due to the lack of closed captioning. USA Today defended on the grounds that its website isn’t a place of public accommodation. The court…

Advertising/E-Commerce * Ariix, LLC v. NutriSearch Corp., 2021 WL 221878 (9th Cir Jan. 22, 2021): companies now pay so-called “influencers” to issue posts on social media touting their products or services. While such social media posts may not have the…

This case relates to a joyous and heartwarming video you’ve probably seen, where two 2-year-old boys–one black, one white–run up to each other, give each other a big hug like they are long-lost friends, and then run down the sidewalk…

Users of “Microsoft 365 For Business” allege oversharing by Microsoft, which translates into claims under (1) the Wiretap Act and the Stored Communications Act; (2) Washington’s Consumer Protection Act; (3) the Washington one-party consent phone statute; and (4) common law….

When Trump signed his anti-230 EO in May 2020, I was immediately overwhelmed with media calls all asking the same basic question: this is garbage, right? We now have the final answer to that question. As I and others predicted…

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