Social Networking Sites and Blogs Talk for Students

By Eric Goldman Today I gave a talk entitled “Social Networking Sites and Blogs” for the on-campus Student Intellectual Property Law Association (SIPLA). My slides. In conjunction with this, I thought it might be useful to organize a bibliography of…

Decay Rates of Committed Online Community Members–an Epinions Case Study

By Eric Goldman Building on several previous blog posts, I am writing up a extended discourse explaining why Wikipedia will fail. A key part of my argument is that committed Wikipedians will turn over faster than they can be replaced….

Just who is an Internet access service provider under CAN-SPAM?

Worded to prevent lawsuits by individual email recipients, the federal CAN-SPAM Act limits who can bring suit for a CAN-SPAM violation. In addition to state and federal enforcers, the Act allows suits by “Internet access service providers.” Just who are…

September 2008 Quick Links, Part 3

By Eric Goldman eBay * Universal Grading Service v. eBay, Inc. More fallout from the National Numismatic v. eBay case–another lawsuit alleging antitrust and defamation because eBay designated some coin rating services as preferred and impliedly devalued others. * Windsor…

September 2008 Quick Links, Part 2

By Eric Goldman Copyrights * In the Harry Potter fair use case, the court declared that the Lexicon encyclopedia isn’t fair use. * The judge declared a mistrial in the Jammie Thomas case. * Designer Skin v. S&L Vitamins has…

Carterfone and Open Access in the Digital Era Symposium, October 17

By Eric Goldman On October 17, we are having a neat event at Santa Clara University. A brief word about the genesis. I don’t normally travel in telecom circles but I went to a few events in the past year…

Fall 2008 Cyberspace Law Syllabus

By Eric Goldman I’ve posted my latest Cyberspace Law course syllabus. Some changes from last year: * added an August 2007 Search Engine Land article by Chris Silver Smith on geolocation technologies and their efficacy. * added California Penal Code…

July 2008 Quick Links, Part II (Non-IP Edition)

By Eric Goldman Search Engines * Google explains all of the ways that it reinterprets the actual search query provided by a consumer to deliver results for words the searcher didn’t use. As I’ve said before, Google’s intermediation makes it…

Teaching Cyberlaw Article

By Eric Goldman As part of the recent St. Louis University Law Journal’s issue on Teaching Intellectual Property Law, I published a short article entitled “Teaching Cyberlaw.” The abstract: “Over the past dozen years, Cyberlaw courses have become a staple…

June 2008 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman Trademarks/Domain Names * Utah Lighthouse Ministry v. Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research, 2008 WL 22043807 (10th Cir. May 29, 2008). CMLP writeup. Nice 10th Circuit win for a gripe site against trademark infringement and cybersquatting. This…

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