Family Court Says Facebook Photos of Grow Operation Wrongly Admitted in Termination Proceeding – In re A.D.W., et al.

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] In re A.D.W., A.L.W., and X.M.M., No 2-648 / 12-1060 (Iowa Ct. App.; Aug. 8, 2012) [pdf] This is an action to terminate parentage. The father and mother have a long and difficult history dealing with…

Stored Communications Act Does Not Bar Discovery of Employee Phone Records–Mintz v. Bartelstein Assocs.

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Mintz v. Bartelstein & Assocs, CV 12 02554 SVW (SSx) (Aug. 14, 2012) Mintz is a sports agent who represents among others, some NBA players. He worked for Bartelstein & Associates for 11 years. After leaving…

Sixth Circuit Affirms Conviction for Threat Posted to YouTube – US v. Jeffries

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani with a comment from Eric] US v. Jeffries, 2012 WL 3641639 (6th Cir.; Aug. 27, 2012) We blogged previously about US v. Jeffries, where the district court declined to dismiss an indictment for posting an allegedly…

Google Tries Again to Respond to Judge Alsup’s Shill Disclosure Order. Now, How About Oracle?

By Eric Goldman Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc., 3:10-cv-03561-WHA (N.D. Cal. Aug. 24, 2012) In the ongoing saga about Judge Alsup’s requests that Oracle and Google disclose possible shills, Google filed a supplemental disclosure that listed 13 individuals/organizations. There’s…

Judge Alsup Tells Google to Try Harder With Its Shill Disclosures

By Eric Goldman Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc., 3:10-cv-03561-WHA (N.D. Cal. Aug. 20, 2012) I can’t imagine Google is surprised that Judge Alsup did not like its response to his request that Google and Oracle disclose potential shills in…

Oracle and Google Make Unenlightening Disclosures of their “Shills”

By Eric Goldman In Oracle v. Google, Judge Alsup recently ordered the parties to: [f]ile a statement . . . identifying all authors, journalists, commentators or bloggers who have reported or commented on any issues in the case and who…

Judge Alsup Tries to Out the Shills in Oracle v. Google

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani, with comments from Eric] Oracle v. Google, Case No. C 10-03561 WHA (N.D. Cal.; Aug. 7, 2012) Judge Alsup recently issued an order in Oracle v. Google, voicing concerns that the parties or counsel may have…

P2P Infringement Lawyer Faces Possible Sanctions For Disregarding Court Order Regarding Subpoenas – In re: Bittorrent Adult Film Copyright Infringement Cases

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] In re: Bittorrent Adult Film Copyright Infringement Cases, 12-1147(JS)(GRG) and 12-1154(ADS)(GRB) (E.D.N.Y.; July 31, 2012) P2P lawyers have come under a lot of fire lately for their tactics. As detailed here by Ars, the Fifth Circuit…

Ex-Spouse Hit With 20K in Damages for Email Eavesdropping – Klumb v. Goan

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Klumb v. Goan, 09-cv-115 (E.D. Tenn.; July 19, 2012) Klumb, described by the court as “a wealthy man,” met and married Crystal Goan, a law student who later became a lawyer. As the court describes it,…

Court Orders Production of Five Years’ Worth of Facebook and MySpace Posts – Thompson v. Autoliv

[Post by Venkat Balasubramani] Thompson v. Autoliv ASP, Inc., et al., 09-cv-01375-PMP-VCF (D. Nev.; June 20, 2012) Another discovery dispute over social networking evidence. Thompson was involved in an automobile accident and suffered serious injuries. She asserted that she suffered…

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