My California Senate Judiciary Committee Testimony on Section 230 and State Regulation

Last week, the California Senate Judiciary Committee held an informational hearing entitled “State of Social Media Regulation: Misinformation, Exploitation, Harassment, and Radicalization.” I testified about Section 230’s applicability to state regulatory efforts. Spoiler: Section 230 forecloses many of the legislature’s…

Another Online Account Termination Case Fails–King v. Facebook

The plaintiffs are Adrienne Sepaniak King and Christopher Edward Sepaniak King, a mother-son duo. The family that sues together stays together. Facebook terminated the mom’s account allegedly for violating Facebook’s community standards. Attempts to resurrect it were unsuccessful. The lawsuit…

Talk Notes on the Constitutionality of Transparency Requirements for Internet Services

Yesterday I presented at UC Hastings’ Pound Civil Justice Institute on my forthcoming paper that questions the constitutionality of mandatory disclosure obligations imposed on Internet services. My talk notes: I’m writing about laws that mandate the transparency of editorial activities…

BBB Defeats Defamation Lawsuit (After 7 Years)–Better Way v. BBB

A Better Way Wholesale Autos sells cars “as is.” Some buyers who experienced mechanical problems nevertheless felt hornswoggled, and over 100 of them complained to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The vendor sued BBB because the low ratings were allegedly…

Previewing the “Lessons from the First Internet Ages” Symposium

As I mentioned, I’m part of a team organizing a special virtual event called the “Lessons from the First Internet Ages Symposium.” The event starts tomorrow 10am Pacific, and it’s not too late to sign up! The event will explore…

Trump’s Must-Carry Lawsuit Against Twitter Moved to Twitter’s Home Court–Trump v. Twitter

As you recall, in July, Trump sued Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for “deplatforming” him. As expected (see image to the right), YouTube successfully transferred its case to the Northern District of California. Now Twitter has done the same. (A reminder…

Government Jawboning Doesn’t Turn Internet Services into State Actors–Doe v. Google

The plaintiffs are “conservative content creators” (i.e., QAnon enthusiasts) who posted videos to YouTube. YouTube suspended their accounts. The plaintiffs sued for First Amendment violations (presumably a 1983 claim). The court previously denied a TRO. YouTube now gets the case…

Anti-Zionist Loses Lawsuit Over Social Media Account Suspensions–Martillo v. Facebook

Martillo claims that six social media services suspended his accounts because he is an anti-Zionist. He sued for Title II discrimination. The court responds: “the defendants’ social media platforms are not places of ‘public accommodation.’ The statutory definition of a…

There Is No Bottom When It Comes to Section 230 Reform Proposals (Comments on the Justice Against Malicious Algorithms Act)

When I first saw the Justice Against Malicious Algorithms Act. my draft version didn’t identify its sponsors. I assumed it was yet another sloppy and unserious Section 230 reform proposal from representatives like Rep. Gosar or Gohmert. You can imagine…

Section 230 Protects Securities Exchange–Saveene v. Remo

This case involves an alleged case of corporate hijacking. The plaintiff alleges that it bought a controlling interest in a corporate entity opaquely named American Diversified Holdings Corp. (“ADHC”) from Remo. Remo then allegedly dissolved the Nevada entity and, without…

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