2H 2017 & Q1 2018 Quick Links, Part 1: Copyright, Trademarks, Keyword Ads

[As you can tell, my ability to prepare these Quick Links posts has degraded substantially…better late than never?] Copyright * The Executive Corp. v. Oisoon, LLC, 2017 WL 4310113 (M.D. Tenn. Sept. 28, 2017). A default judgment: “A section 1202(b)(1)…

DMCA’s Unhelpful 512(f) Preempts Helpful State Law Claims–Stevens v. Vodka and Milk

As part of the DMCA, Congress enacted a cause of action for people who send bogus copyright takedown notices, codified at 17 USC 512(f). It was a good thought executed terribly. The courts have interpreted the law to require subjective bad…

SESTA’s Sponsors Still Don’t Understand Section 230 (As They Are About to Eviscerate It)

The SESTA and FOSTA “debates” have been repeatedly marred by inaccurate claims. As one of countless examples, recall Prof. Leary’s testimony to Congress that FOSTA “leaves Section 230(c), the Good Samaritan immunity section, untouched.” What??? Of course FOSTA amends Section 230(c)–THAT’S THE…

Top Internet Law Developments of 2017 (Very Late)

[It’s a sign of my busy 2018 that I’m only now posting my annual Internet Law year-in-review recap. Better late than never?] 2017 was a generally OK year for me personally. My wife’s health has been stable, I was able…

Copyright Office Won’t Register ‘Middle-Finger Pictogram’ As Literary Work–Ashton v. Copyright Office

Ashton created a coffee mug displaying the words “People Pleaser in Recovery” on the outside, the word “Refill” on the inside bottom, and a single-fingered salute on the outside bottom: Ashton applied for copyright registrations for 2D artwork and a…

D.C. Circuit Makes Geoblocking De Facto Mandatory for Copyright Law Purposes–Spanski v. TV Polska (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Marketa Trimble On March 2, 2018, two events occurred that will affect the future of the use of geoblocking: The Official Journal of the European Union published the new EU Anti-Geoblocking Regulation, and coincidentally on the same day,…

The European Union Anti-Geoblocking Regulation Isn’t the End of the Anti-Geoblocking Battle (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Marketa Trimble The EU Anti-Geoblocking Regulation has finally been published. After the Council of the European Union adopted the EU Anti-Geoblocking Regulation on February 27, 2018 (the European Parliament had adopted it earlier in the month), the Regulation…

Are Internet Access Providers Liable for Their Subscribers’ Copyright Infringements?–UMG v. Grande

By 2018, you’d think it would be clear when Internet access providers (I HATE the term “ISP”) are liable for user-committed copyright infringements. After all, the 1995 Netcom case discussed Netcom’s functions as an IAP, and the DMCA in 1998 codified…

Video News Aggregator Loses Fair Use Defense–Fox v. TVEyes

TVEyes aggregates video newsclips, makes them searchable, and lets subscribers watch responsive clips. One use case is for companies’ communications departments. They can set up searches for their brands in TVEyes’ database and monitor what’s being said about them. To…

In-Line Linking May Be Copyright Infringement–Goldman v. Breitbart News

Ugh, this decision is bad. How bad is it? It makes me sympathetic to Breitbart, and I didn’t even know that was possible. You may want a box of tissues nearby before reading this. The TL;DR: for over a decade, in-line linking has been treated…

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