Catching Up on the Heavyweight Scraping Battle Between X and Bright Data (Guest Blog Post)

…It’s rare in the web-scraping world when a party that seeks to stop scraping engages with a company with the resources to fight back and the appetite to do so….

Announcing the 2024 Edition of My Internet Law Casebook

…new words of explanatory material, revamped the materials to focus on scraping, and added an excerpt from X v. Bright Data on the TTC issue. That case will surely be…

Ryanair v. Booking CFAA Trial Ends with Strangest Possible Outcome (Guest Blog Post)

…but this case makes it more likely that other plaintiffs and defendants will suffer lengthy, protracted litigation to reach similarly absurd conclusions. Goliath v. Goliath Most web scraping and data-access…

Facebook Makes Some Progress Against a Scraper–Meta v. Voyager (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Kieran McCarthy Companies looking to stop web scraping have suffered a losing streak in the Northern District of California recently. In February, Meta lost on Partial Summary…

X Corp. v. Bright Data is the Decision We’ve Been Waiting For (Guest Blog Post)

…granting scraping licenses), the next one was not: Fair use. Judge Alsup suggested that X’s ToS conflict with copyright law by prohibiting scraping irrespective of whether it qualifies as fair…

Elon Musk’s Gifts to Web Scrapers (Guest Blog Post)

…when it created a new account in 2019. The ToS provided that “‘scraping the Services without the prior consent of Twitter is expressly prohibited.’” The ToS did not define “scraping.”…

Court Says Twitter Misused Litigation to Punish Defendants for Their Speech–X v. CCDH

…contracting, that breach of the ToS’s scraping provision would result in damages of “at least tens of millions of dollars.” X Corp. alleges that “CCDH engaged in its unlawful scraping

Facebook Drops Anti-Scraping Lawsuit Against Bright Data (Guest Blog Post)

…than it does about outsiders scraping their public data now. My hunch is that they know that any success in anti-scraping cases can be thrown back at them in their…

Think You Understand Online Trespass to Chattels Law? Think Again–In re Meta Healthcare Pixels

…rely on Northern District cases that have entered judgment in favor of Meta on data scraping cases based on mere use.” 🙄🙄 However, the court doesn’t analyze this aspect at…

Game On! Bright Data Scores Major Victory in Web-Scraping Dispute with Meta (Guest Blog Post)

…Meta’s “anti-scraping team” told Bright Data to stop scraping its data. Bright Data responded by closing its Meta accounts and terminating its online contracts with Meta. Meta said that its…