Ninth Circuit Reaffirms the “Server Test” for Direct Infringement of the Public Display Right — Hunley v. Instagram, LLC (Guest Blog Post)

…for taking deliberate, volitional action to cause the tweets to be displayed. [Eric’s note: the Goldman v. Breitbart case settled before definitively resolving the issues.] A handful of other district…

Section 230 Immunizes Facebook’s “Design and Architecture” Choices–M.P. v. Meta

This case involves the murderous attack by Dylann Roof against the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., killing nine African-Americans. A victim’s daughter sued Facebook, alleging that Facebook’s “design and…

Copyright Owner Can Proceed with Vicarious Infringement Claim Against eBay–Okolita v. eBay

Ellen Okolita developed bird costumes for children, took photos of her children wearing the costumes, and used the photos to sell about 8,000 costumes on Etsy (at her “Tree and…

Texan J6er’s Social Media Censorship Case Moved to California–Davis v. Facebook

Paul Davis is a lawyer and a self-described “J6er,” i.e., a participant in the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol insurrection. (His current Instagram bio: “God-fearing, freedom-fighting, ultra-MAGA🔥⬆️TX lawyer for patriots…

A Single Emoji Could Constitute Securities Fraud–In re Bed Bath & Beyond

This case involves Ryan Cohen, who made a fortune running and then switched his interests to meme stocks. He bought a 9% interest in the failing retailer Bed Bath…

Chegg Is Likely to Prevail on Its Anti-Scraping Contracts Claim…But Doesn’t Get an Injunction–Chegg v. Doe (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Kieran McCarthy Most web-scraping cases fit into one of two categories: Cases where companies are innovating with data in ways that data hosts/owners don’t like, and courts…

Ninth Circuit Highlights the Messy Law of Contributory Trademark Infringement Online–YYGM v. RedBubble

Redbubble provides an online marketplace for print-on-demand items. Unlike other print-on-demand vendors, Redbubble outsources everything but the marketing and payment processing functions. Third-party user-merchants upload the images; third-party contract manufacturers…

DC Circuit Upholds FOSTA’s Constitutionality (By Narrowing It)–Woodhull v. U.S.

FOSTA is terrible social policy that hurt multiple communities without clearly benefiting any community, but its bad results don’t automatically make it unconstitutional. In response to a facial constitutional challenge…

Amazon Can Freely End Book Reviewer’s Authoring Privileges–Haywood v. Amazon

Charles Haywood wrote book reviews at Amazon. He says “his style tends to be megalomaniacal and apocalyptic. He likes to fight.” (For more, see this story and his own self-analysis…

An E-Commerce Site Tried to Form Its TOS Three Different Ways. None of Them Worked–Chabolla v. ClassPass

The plaintiffs claim they signed up for a ClassPass membership but got unexpectedly auto-renewed. (ClassPass appears to be an aggregator of third-party fitness classes). ClassPass sought to send the case…