Section 230 Preempts Two More Harassment Lawsuits

Recapping a couple of doomed-from-inception lawsuits. Benedict v. Google LLC, 2024 WL 3427161 (D. Ariz. July 16, 2024) Lance Benedict is a musician. Someone attacked him on the heavy metal website “All That Shreds” (apparently gone now), posting allegedly doctored…

Eggplant Emoji 🍆 Means What You Think It Means--State v. Farley

A jury convicted Farley of sexual abuse of a minor. On appeal, the court addresses this online conversation between Farley and the victim: Farley: “10:30 good boy 11 bad boy” Victim: “Me bad boy” Farley: “11 tomorrow night bud” Victim:…

SAD Scheme Leads to Another Massively Disproportionate Asset Freeze--Powell v. Schedule A

[Reminder: I don’t blog all of the SAD Scheme cases I see, and the ones I blog are more exemplars of the general principles than standout or unique cases.] Kate Louise Powell is a Scotland-based artist. (I wonder how she…

It's Hard to Bind Former Subscribers to TOS Amendments--Brooks v. WarnerMedia

This is a VPPA case over Meta Pixels. 🙄🙄🙄 Everyone agrees this lawsuit will be going to arbitration per the HBO Max TOS. However, in 2022, HBO Max swapped arbitration providers from AAA to NAM. The opinion doesn’t clearly explain…

What Happened to Gonzalez v. Google After the SCOTUS Decision?

In the mid-2010s, plaintiffs filed about 20 lawsuits filed around the country seeking to hold social media services liable for allegedly facilitating terrorist attacks. Two of those cases, Gonzalez v. Google and Taamneh v. Twitter, produced Supreme Court rulings last…

Facebook Isn't Subject to the ADA--Lloyd v. Facebook

Lloyd brought  a pro se lawsuit against Facebook raising a myriad of concerns. My prior blog post. The Ninth Circuit easily dismisses most of it in a breezy memorandum opinion, but the contract claim gets revived for a little longer….

DMCA 512(c) Helps Redbubble Defeats Copyright Lawsuit--Wallshoppe v. Redbubble

Wallshoppe makes wallpaper with copyrighted designs, such as the “Pacifico Palm Design” depicted to the right. It has a copyright registration in the design. Wallshoppe found Redbubble merchants selling the design. However, for unspecified reasons, Wallshoppe didn’t submit proper DMCA…

What Should Happen When a Schoolteacher Posts Hateful Memes to TikTok?--MacRae v. Mattos

Kari MacRae is a grandmother to four grandkids and a Republican candidate for Massachusetts state senate. During the relevant time period, she was a public school teacher. She maintained a TikTok account at the alias “NanaMacof4.” (Nana is a synonym…

Justice Thomas Hates on Section 230. Again.--Doe v. Snap

I previously described this case: A high school teacher allegedly used Snapchat to groom a sophomore student for a sexual relationship. (Atypically, the teacher was female and the victim was male, but the genders are irrelevant to this incident). The…

Mississippi's Age-Authentication Law Declared Unconstitutional--NetChoice v. Fitch

[Note 1: I’m thinking my full analysis of Moody v. NetChoice won’t be ready until next week. I have a lot to say!] [Note 2: This morning, Supreme Court granted cert in Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton over Texas’ law…