Internet Law Syllabus and Reader for Fall 2010

By Eric Goldman I have posted my syllabus for this semester’s Internet Law course, my 16th year teaching the course. This blog post describes some of the latest developments with the class, including the changes from my 2009 course reader….

Steps to ‘Internet-Proof’ Your Cease and Desist Letter

[Post by Venkat] I posted a ways back at Avvo’s blog about how the internet increasingly affects litigation by shining the light on abusive lawsuits or those that overreach. I didn’t mention something related that has become fairly common, and…

Upcoming Talks Spring 2010

By Eric Goldman I’ve added some new talks to my schedule recently, so here’s an updated list of my talks for the next couple of months: May 6, 8-10 am: Obstacles and Opportunities: eCommerce on Both Sides of the Atlantic,…

Utah Passes Nation’s First (?) Bioprospecting Regulation

By Eric Goldman The Utah legislature has passed SB 51, the “Utah Bioprospecting Act,” which requires a government-issued license (which presumably will include a royalty cut for the state) before engaging in bioprospecting on government lands not owned by the…

“Law & Wikis” Panel at AALS Law & Computers Section Annual Meeting

By Eric Goldman This post recaps the 2010 AALS Law & Computers Section Annual Meeting on the theme of “Law & Wikis.” The program consisted of four papers submitted in response to a Call for Papers from Spring 2009. See…

Is the Florida Bar Taking Facebook Friendship Too Seriously?

[Post by Venkat] The Florida Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee issued an (advisory) opinion [link] which included the following question and answer: [May] a judge may add lawyers who may appear before the judge as “friends” on a social networking site,…

AALS Law & Computers Meeting in New Orleans

By Eric Goldman I’m pleased to announce the AALS Section on Law and Computers program at the AALS annual meeting in New Orleans on Saturday, January 9, 2010. This program was developed in response to the Call for Papers we…

Zittrain on the Dark Sides of Crowdsourcing

By Eric Goldman Last week, Cyberlaw expert/rock star Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard Law School (visiting at Stanford Law School this term) spoke as part of SCU’s lecture series on IT, Ethics and Law. An overflow crowd of over 100 people…

Introducing Guest Blogger Venkat Balasubramani

By Eric Goldman It’s my pleasure to welcome Venkat Balasubramani as a guest blogger. I’m fortunate that I can make this introduction in writing and not orally because I still don’t know how to pronounce his last name. As my…

State of the Net West Recap

By Eric Goldman Yesterday, the High Tech Law Institute and the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus co-sponsored the Third Annual State of the Net West event at Santa Clara University. The featured participants were 3 members of Congress…