Does AskJeeves Have a Spyware/Adware Problem? Diller Says No. I Say…

Ben Edelman leveled two charges at AskJeeves on Monday. First, Ben asserts that AskJeeves targets kids for toolbar downloads. Second, Ben asserts that an AskJeeves distributor exploits security holes to install the toolbar without consent. This follows on the heels…

Walmart Foundation Uses Copyright to Curtail Griper

The Walmart Foundation has gone after the gripe site “” using 512(c)(3) notices to take down images that the griper took from A few observations about this: * copyright is an extremely effective tool against gripers. Using a 512(c)(3)…

Grokster Oral Arguments

If you haven’t seen it elsewhere, the transcript from the oral arguments in Grokster.

Talk on 47 USC 230 at Michigan State

I’m going to be talking tomorrow about derivative liability at a conference at Michigan State University Law School. You can see a preview of my talk. Unquestionably, my perspective is colored by my experiences at Epinions!

German Meta-Search Engine May Be Liable for Defamation

Einstmann v. Sharelook Beteiligungen GmbH, LG Berlin, No. 27 O 45/05, 2/22/05. Sorry I’m a little late in picking this up, but a German court has held that a meta-search engine could be liable for defamation. According to the news…

ACLU Considering Challenge to Utah Anti-Internet Porn Law

The ACLU of Utah is considering a constitutional challenge against Utah’s most-recent anti-Internet porn law. Despite Rep. Dougall’s defensiveness, this law is almost certainly unconstitutional, and I’m confident that it will be struck down when scrutinized by the courts. We…

Liability for Labeling Software as Spyware

Ben Edelman’s latest research describes various efforts by software vendors to curtail characterizations of their software as spyware (or a synonym). These bigfoot letters often attempt to distort the information marketplace by forcing the removal of unflattering but potentially accurate…

Who Gets Indexed in Google News?

I still have no idea how Google decides which news sources are among the 4,500 indexed in Google News. Google News’ FAQ has the following: “What if I don’t see my favorite news source in Google News? We’re as shocked…

Utah Amends Spyware Control Act

Last week, the Utah governor signed HB 104, the amendment to Utah’s Spyware Control Act. The amendment is, in fact, a nearly complete rewrite of the prior law. I blogged on the proposed law last month, and since then further…

Utah Governor Signs HB 260

Not a surprise, but today the Utah governor signed HB 260, the ridiculous Internet service provider-as-filterer law. See my earlier critique (I think there are other objectionable aspects of the bill; I tried to control myself). Anyone want to make…