Class Certification Denied Over Rightsowners’ Demands for Content ID Access–Schneider v. YouTube
The court summarizes the case: “plaintiffs allege that YouTube has violated the copyright laws by withholding broad access to Content ID….Plaintiffs also allege that YouTube automatically strips metadata out of uploaded videos, including copyright management information (CMI), which makes it…

More Thoughts about the SCOTUS Twitter and Google Rulings
[I did a media interview about last week’s Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google rulings. The transcript:] What got you into the field of internet law? What is most interesting in the field right now? I have been researching…

Ill-Advised Attempt to Blow Up the DMCA Online Safe Harbors Unsurprisingly Fails–Athos v. YouTube
Athos owns the copyrights to many classic Mexican films. Users regularly upload its film clips to YouTube. These uploads have irritated Athos since 2014. However, Athos rejected YouTube’s fast-lane options for copyright owners (such as the Copyright Match Tool, Content…

Roundup of Recent Section 230 Developments
Sometimes the Section 230 developments come faster than I can blog ’em, so they pile up in my queue. This post cleans the queue. * * * A.M. v. Omegle.com, LLC, 2023 WL 1470269 (D. Ore. Feb. 2, 2023). A…

The Internet Survives SCOTUS Review (This Time)–Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google
Today was the 2023 Super Bowl of Internet Law at the U.S. Supreme Court [FN]. SCOTUS issued two eagerly awaited decisions in the Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google cases (as well as decisions in the Warhol copyright fair…

Two Common but Disingenuous Phrases About Section 230
[I initially planned to write up this analysis as a short academic essay. If you’re interested in working with me to adapt this blog post into an academic essay format, email me.] This blog post is about the following two…

Section 230 Immunizes Bing’s Search Results–White v. Microsoft
This lawsuit relates to an episode of the TV show Evil Lives Here called “I Invited Him In,” which discusses an NY serial killer named Nathaniel White. A different Nathaniel White claimed that the episode improperly featured his mugshot and…

Twitter Account Suspension Lawsuits Keep Failing–Hall v. Twitter
This case involves a Twitter account held by Daniel Hall, who also used the aliases “Senza Vergogna” and “Sensa Verogna.” [Note: I believe those aliases reference an Italian movie about a son who engages in incest with his mom.] Hall…

DMCA 512(c) Safe Harbor Doesn’t Apply to Photo Embedding–Great Bowery v. Best Little Sites
This case involves Annie Leibovitz photos, represented by licensing and enforcement agency Trunk Archive. Allegedly, users of comicbookmovie.com (CBM) embedded the Leibovitz photos into the site by linking to the images hosted on third-party sites. Once CBM learned of the…

The Ninth Circuit’s FOSTA Jurisprudence Is Getting Clearer (and More Defense-Favorable)
As you know, FOSTA was a poorly drafted statute with terrible policy outcomes. We’re still working through the first wave of litigation testing Congress’ poor handiwork. Last October, in Doe v. Reddit, the Ninth Circuit issued an important ruling interpreting…