National Federation of the Blind v. Target Class Certified

By Eric Goldman National Federation of the Blind v. Target Corp., 3:06-cv-01802-MHP (N.D. Cal. Sept. 28, 2007) Judge Patel has certified two classes in the lawsuit over’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. See my previous blog post…

August 2007 Quick Links, Part II

By Eric Goldman * e360 Insight v. Spamhaus Project, 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 20725 (7th Cir. Aug. 30, 2007). An email marketing company was listed on Spamhaus’ ROSKO and sued for defamation and other torts in Illinois. Spamhaus took the…

June 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman Email * Spam cases are coming at a regular clip, and it’s tricky divining the latest state of the law. Two recent cases that caught my attention: – US v. Impulse Media Group, 2007 WL 1725560 (W.D….

New Cyberlaw Fad–Real Estate Developers v. Griping Homebuyers

By Eric Goldman We appear to be seeing a mini-trend of homebuilders suing griping homebuyers. Overlawyered’s Walter Olson succinctly aggregated some cases, including: * RSA Enterprises v. Bad Business Bureau and Google, a lawsuit doomed to failure (at least in…

AutoAdmit Fiasco Turns Into a Lawsuit–Doe v. Ciolli

By Eric Goldman Doe v. Ciolli, 307CV00909 CFD (D. Conn. complaint filed June 11, 2007) AutoAdmit is a message board for law students and related groupies. It’s a relatively untamed corner of cyberspace. The site owners have espoused a relatively…

May 2007 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman Spam * MySpace Inc. v. The Inc., No. CV 06-3391 RGK (C.D. Cal. Feb. 27, 2007). This case has some personal interest because was one of my flagship clients before I left the law firm…

Court Upholds Student Suspension For YouTube Video of Teacher

By John Ottaviani Requa v. Kent School District No. 415, 2007 WL 1531670 (W.D. Wash. May 24, 2007). “The Court takes judicial notice that “booty” is a common slang term for buttocks.” High school students secretly take video footage of…

Social Networking Sites and the Law

By Eric Goldman On Monday, the High Tech Law Institute is co-sponsoring an event entitled “Friends, Lovers, Trust, Safety: The Present and Future of Social Networking.” The principal audience is undergraduate students, but everyone is welcome. One of the hot…

Blogger Protected by Anti-SLAPP Statute–GTX v. Left

By Eric Goldman GTX Global Corp. v. Left, 2007 WL 1300065 (Cal. Ct. App. May 4, 2007) This is one of the first cases explicitly holding that a blogger is protected by anti-SLAPP laws. It’s not really surprising that bloggers…

Utah’s “Don’t Email the Kids” Registry a “Financial Failure”

By Eric Goldman A couple of years ago, Utah and Michigan adopted laws creating “don’t email the kids” registries (called the “Child Protection Registry”–see Utah’s and Michigan’s). These laws allow parents to register email addresses held by kids and requires…