Robert Steinbuch Loses Another Round–Steinbuch v. Hachette

By Eric Goldman Steinbuch v. Hachette Book Group, 2009 WL 963588 (E.D. Ark. April 8, 2009). The Justia page. Law professor Robert Steinbuch, a male “protagonist” from the notorious and risque Washingtonienne blog by Jessica Cutler, suffered another courtroom loss….

Blogspot Sued for Dead Blogger’s Content–Davis v. Google

By Eric Goldman Davis v. Google, 09 CH 15753 (Cook County Ct. complaint filed April 9, 2009) Venkat sent a very interesting lawsuit this morning that raises some complex policy issues. The complaint alleges that Sean Healy created a blog…

Q1 2009 Quick Links, Part 3

By Eric Goldman Blogging and Social Networking Sites * A new version of the EFF Legal Guide to Blogging. While you’re there, consider joining EFF as a member. The EFF does first-rate work, and they can use all the support…

Republishing MySpace Post in Local Paper Might Be Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress–Moreno v. Hanford Sentinel

By Eric Goldman Moreno v. Hanford Sentinel, Inc., 2009 WL 866795 (Cal. App. Ct. April 2, 2009) This is one of the most interesting cases I’ve seen in a while. Moreno was a UC Berkeley undergraduate who grew up in…

Web Host Convicted of State Child Porn Crimes Despite 230–People v. Gourlay

By Eric Goldman People v. Gourlay, 2009 WL 529216 (Mich. App. Ct. March 3, 2009) Hot on the heels of the Cook County Sheriff’s publicity stunt filing against Craigslist, we get an interesting but complicated ruling exploring the application of…

Rip-off Report Lawsuit Updates: Certain Approval Programs and Ecommerce Innovations

By Eric Goldman Certain Approval Program v. Xcentric Certain Approval Programs, L.L.C. v. XCentric Ventures L.L.C., 2009 WL 596582 (D. Ariz. March 9, 2009). I previously blogged about this case in November. This ruling is in response to the plaintiff’s…

The Third Wave of Internet Exceptionalism

By Eric Goldman [I initially wrote this as an editorial for our University magazine and republished that version through InformIT as well. Here’s the original unedited version I submitted.] From the beginning, the Internet has been viewed as something special…

Cook County Sheriff Sues Craigslist for Erotic Services Category

By Eric Goldman Dart v. Craigslist, Inc., 09-CV-1385 (N.D. Ill. complaint filed March 5, 2009) Dart, the Cook County, Illinois sheriff, has sued Craigslist in federal court for creating a “public nuisance” because its “Erotic Services” category facilitates prostitution. Unfortunately…

Facebook Sued Over Private Facebook Group–Finkel v. Facebook

By Eric Goldman Finkel v. Facebook, Inc., 102578-09 (N.Y. Supreme Ct. complaint filed Feb. 24, 2009). A New York teenager has sued Facebook and four Facebook users (plus their parents) for allegedly defamatory content posted in a private Facebook group…

Social Networking Sites and Blogs Talk for Students

By Eric Goldman Today I gave a talk entitled “Social Networking Sites and Blogs” for the on-campus Student Intellectual Property Law Association (SIPLA). My slides. In conjunction with this, I thought it might be useful to organize a bibliography of…