Fall 2007 Tour Schedule

By Eric Goldman L’Shanah Tovah! Here are some events I’ll be attending this semester. It would be a delight to see you at one or more of these: Sept. 17: Blogging, Scholarship and the Bench and Bar, Santa Clara University…

Fall 2007 High Tech Law Institute Events

By Eric Goldman I realize this is a self-serving assessment, but I think we have an absolutely terrific roster of events lined up this Fall! Check out some highlights: ________ Sept. 17, 10:30am-12pm. Blogging, Scholarship, and the Bench and Bar,…

August 2007 Quick Links, Part II

By Eric Goldman * e360 Insight v. Spamhaus Project, 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 20725 (7th Cir. Aug. 30, 2007). An email marketing company was listed on Spamhaus’ ROSKO and sued for defamation and other torts in Illinois. Spamhaus took the…

August 2007 Quick Links, Part I

By Eric Goldman Search Engines * Google extended its ad serving technology to consider a user’s past search phrases in addition to their current search term. * Greg Linden: “Google is teasing too many lions.” * BusinessWeek: Some VCs are…

American Blinds-Google Lawsuit Settles

By Eric Goldman Google Inc. v. American Blinds & Wallpaper Factory Inc., 5:03-cv-05340-JF (N.D. Cal. settled August 31, 2007) After almost four years of litigation, the American Blinds lawsuit ended today with a stunning victory for Google. According to a…

Anti-Spyware Vendor Protected by 47 USC 230(c)(2)–Zango v. Kaspersky

By Eric Goldman Zango Inc. v. Kaspersky Lab, Inc., No. C07-0807-JCC (W.D. Wash. Aug. 28, 2007) There has been a fair amount of hand-wringing/teeth-gnashing over the legal liability of anti-spyware vendors when they label a software program as spyware or…

Douglas v. Talk America Revisited

By Eric Goldman Last month, I blogged on the Douglas v. Talk America case. I think it’s fair to say that a lot of lawyers are scratching their head about this case. The case *might* stand for the proposition that…

Google’s AdWords Contract Upheld Again, But Advertiser Lawsuit Against Google Continues–CLRB Hanson v. Google

By Eric Goldman CLRB Hanson Industries LLC v. Google Inc., 5:05-cv-03649-JW (N.D. Cal. Aug. 21, 2007) This lawsuit is one of several advertiser lawsuits against search engines from 2005 (see my initial post when the lawsuit was filed). Many of…

Website Isn’t Liable When Users Lie About Their Ages–Doe v. SexSearch

By Eric Goldman Doe v. SexSearch.com, 2007 WL 2388913 (N.D. Ohio Aug. 22, 2007) Introduction This case adds to the burgeoning 230 jurisprudence involving people looking online for love or sex. (Others that come to mind include Carafano, Anthony, Landry-Bell,…

Online Reputation and its Implications for Online User Agreements

By Eric Goldman Shmuel Becher and Tal Zarsky, E-Contract Doctrine 2.0: Standard Form Contracting in the Age of Online User Participation Right now, the rules applicable to online user agreements are a doctrinal mess. We want to encourage businesses and…