Outdated Whois Information Might Lead to False Light Tort–Meyerkord v. Zipatoni

By Eric Goldman Meyerkord v. The Zipatoni Co., 2008 WL 5455718 (Mo. App. Ct. Dec. 23, 2008) It’s a late entry, but this opinion may be a dark horse candidate for the most bizarre case of 2008. Meyerkord was a…

Rip-off Report Rolls to Another Win–GW Equity v. Xcentric Ventures

By Eric Goldman GW Equity LLC v. Xcentric Ventures LLC, 2009 WL 62173 (N.D.Tex. Jan. 9, 2009) I previously blogged about this case in October when the magistrate judge issued his report and recommendations finding that Rip-off Report was immune…

AOL Loses Venue Selection Dispute in Ninth Circuit Due to an Unfortunate “Of”–Doe 1 v. AOL

By Eric Goldman Doe 1 v. AOL LLC, 2009 WL 103657 (9th Cir. Jan. 16, 2009) This is one of several lawsuits against AOL over AOL’s 2006 posting of a database of improperly anonymized search queries. This particular lawsuit was…

Cautionary Tale of Website Co-Ownership–Mikhlyn v. Bove

By Eric Goldman Mikhlyn v. Bove, 2008 WL 4610304 (E.D.N.Y. Oct. 15, 2008). The Justia page. In my Co-Blogging Law article, I discussed the potentially ugly legal consequences of “blog divorces” when co-bloggers fall out of love with each other…

47 USC 230 Talk for Businesspeople

By Eric Goldman As I mentioned in my previous post, I will be speaking tonight in Sacramento about 47 USC 230. The audience will have a heavy component of businesspeople mixed among the lawyers. Although I’ve spoken frequently about 230,…

Eric Goldman Road Show Spring 2009

By Eric Goldman As usual at this point in the semester, I’m still scheduling events for the semester, but this post enumerates some of the events I have calendared so far. Some of these are High Tech Law Institute events,…

Shifting Strategies in Patent Law Conference Announcement

By Eric Goldman [Eric’s note: this is a popular annual event–last year’s symposium drew over 200 attendees. This year should also be popular due to the timely topics and impressive speaker’s list. Should be a great event. Hope you can…

December 2008 Quick Links, Part 2

By Eric Goldman Social Networking Sites/Cyber-Bullying/Sexual Predation * More on the Lori Drew conviction: – Wired has a tough behind-the-scenes look at the Lori Drew jury deliberations. – The jury instructions – In case you missed it, my special three…

December 2008 Quick Links, Part 1

By Eric Goldman Copyright * Stockwire Research Group, Inc. v. Lebed, 577 F .Supp. 2d 1262 (S.D. Fla. Sept. 18, 2008). $2.5M default judgment for violation of anti-circumvention provisions. * The RIAA announced that it is shifting away from suing…

Oracle v. SAP Updates–Third Amended Complaint, Motion to Dismiss Ruling, SAP’s Latest Answer

By Eric Goldman There have been some recent developments in the high-stakes and complicated Oracle v. SAP lawsuit. In October, Oracle filed its third amended complaint whereby it expanded its efforts to show that SAP America and SAP Germany were…