Publisher Promising “Visitors” Owes “Visitors,” Not “Unique Visitors”–WebMD v. RDA
By Eric Goldman WebMD, LLC v. RDA Intern., Inc., 2009 WL 175036 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Jan. 6, 2009) It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about a lawsuit between an Internet publisher and advertiser, so you may enjoy this one….
Online Retailer’s Link to House Brand from Manufacturer’s Product Page Might Infringe–BabyAge v. Leachco
By Eric Goldman, Inc. v. Leachco, Inc., 2009 WL 82552 (M.D. Pa. Jan. 12, 2009). The Justia page. Welcome to the cutthroat world of pregnancy pillows. Leachco manufactures pregnancy pillows and has a patent on them. BabyAge is an…
Social Networking Sites and Blogs Talk for Students
By Eric Goldman Today I gave a talk entitled “Social Networking Sites and Blogs” for the on-campus Student Intellectual Property Law Association (SIPLA). My slides. In conjunction with this, I thought it might be useful to organize a bibliography of…
Erika Rottenberg Talk Recap
By Eric Goldman Yesterday, in celebration of International Data Privacy Day, Santa Clara University hosted Erika Rottenberg, LinkedIn’s GC, for a lunchtime talk. Despite putting the event together at the last minute, we had a strong turnout of about 90…
Web Host Faces Potential Contributory Trademark Liability–Louis Vuitton v. Akanoc
By Eric Goldman Louis Vuitton Malletier, S.A. v. Akanoc Solutions, Inc., C 07-03952 JW (N.D. Cal. Dec. 23, 2008) This is one of countless anti-counterfeiting actions by luxury brands against allegedly infringing websites—but the twist is that the brand owner…
Decay Rates of Committed Online Community Members–an Epinions Case Study
By Eric Goldman Building on several previous blog posts, I am writing up a extended discourse explaining why Wikipedia will fail. A key part of my argument is that committed Wikipedians will turn over faster than they can be replaced….
Data Privacy Day at SCU Jan. 28: Erika Rottenberg, LinkedIn GC
By Eric Goldman Please join us for this event being held in conjunction with the Data Privacy Day. Free admission and no RSVP required. Erika is a long-time colleague (dating back to our Cooley Godward days) and I’m very interested…
Brand Spillovers Article Now Available
By Eric Goldman I have finally posted my article, Brand Spillovers, to SSRN. It will be published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Technology later this year. I have blogged about this project several times over the past 4…
American Airlines v. Yahoo Venue Transfer Denied
By Eric Goldman American Airlines, Inc. v. Yahoo!, Inc., 4:08-CV-626-A (N.D. Tex. Jan. 16, 2009) The procedural battles over American Airlines’ lawsuit against Yahoo for selling trademarked keywords continue. You may recall that American Airlines sued Yahoo in its home…
Kentucky Reverses Seizure of 141 Gambling-Related Domain Names
By Eric Goldman Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association v. Wingate ex rel Kentucky, 08-CI-01409 (Ky. Ct. App. Jan. 20, 2009) We see state enforcement agencies freak out about the Internet all the time, so I have a hard time…