Another Censorial Copyright Case Results In a Big Fee Shift--Inglewood v. Teixeira

Another Censorial Copyright Case Results In a Big Fee Shift–Inglewood v. Teixeira

I recently wrote about Katz v. Chevaldina, where a real estate tycoon didn’t like a candid photo taken of him, so he bought the copyrights to the photo and sued a blogger to suppress the photo. The courts had no…

Why Attorneys Dislike Consumer Reviews (Reviewing an Article by Cassandra Burke Robertson)

Why Attorneys Dislike Consumer Reviews (Reviewing an Article by Cassandra Burke Robertson)

I recently read an article by Prof. Cassandra Burke Robertson (Case Law) entitled “Online Reputation Management in Attorney Regulation.” This article discusses two of my favorite topics: (1) why do professional service providers struggle with online reviews more than other…

The Perkins v. LinkedIn Class Action Settlement Notification Was Badly Bungled (Forbes Cross-Post)

The Perkins v. LinkedIn Class Action Settlement Notification Was Badly Bungled (Forbes Cross-Post)

Recently, millions of LinkedIn users received an email titled “LEGAL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION.” The email told recipients about a proposed class action settlement in Perkins v. LinkedIn, involving “LinkedIn’s alleged improper use of a service called ‘Add…

The Benefits Of Self-Publishing Electronic Casebooks (Forbes Cross-Post)

The Benefits Of Self-Publishing Electronic Casebooks (Forbes Cross-Post)

Recently, the Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts published an online symposium called “Disruptive Publishing Models.” The articles discuss different initiatives to disrupt the traditional model for publishing legal casebooks and how those initiatives are driving down students’ costs…

Chain of Title Proves Fatal to “Happy Birthday” Copyright Claim (Guest Blog Post)

Chain of Title Proves Fatal to “Happy Birthday” Copyright Claim (Guest Blog Post)

By Guest Blogger Tyler Ochoa “Happy Birthday” has been described as “The World’s Most Popular Song.”  It is sung almost every time that people gather to celebrate a birthday.  The “almost” in the previous sentence acknowledges that many restaurants direct…

Another Murky Opinion on Lawyers Buying Keyword Ads on Other Lawyers' Names--In re Naert

Another Murky Opinion on Lawyers Buying Keyword Ads on Other Lawyers’ Names–In re Naert

I recently posted a co-authored article, Regulation of Lawyers’ Use of Competitive Keyword Advertising, discussing lawyers’ use of competitive keyword ads triggered by other lawyers’ names. That article examines both IP laws and attorney rules of professional conduct and explains…

You Can't Buy A Copyright Just To Bury It--Katz v. Chevaldina (Forbes Cross-Post)

You Can’t Buy A Copyright Just To Bury It–Katz v. Chevaldina (Forbes Cross-Post)

In the United States, copyright law principally serves as an economic policy by protecting creators’ ability to recoup the investments they make in generating new works that have value to society. As a result, copyright law gets weird when it’s…

Grieving Parents (Still) Can't Sue Topix For Son's Oxy Overdose--Witkoff v. Topix (Forbes Cross-Post)

Grieving Parents (Still) Can’t Sue Topix For Son’s Oxy Overdose–Witkoff v. Topix (Forbes Cross-Post)

Is it possible to find illegal drugs using the Internet? Sure. But when illegal drug transactions occur, or worse, the drugs lead to tragedy, who should bear the blame? An appellate ruling involving reiterates that user-generated content websites aren’t…

Local Hosting and the Draft “Trade in Services Agreement” (Guest Blog Post)

Local Hosting and the Draft “Trade in Services Agreement” (Guest Blog Post)

by Guest Blogger Marketa Trimble The leaked draft of the Trade in Services Agreement (“TiSA”) – the agreement that is being negotiated by a number of countries, including the United States – has attracted intense criticism: Glyn Moody on ArsTechnica UK…

Another Tough Section 230 Ruling For Ripoff Report--Vision Security v. Xcentric

Another Tough Section 230 Ruling For Ripoff Report–Vision Security v. Xcentric

Maybe Ripoff Report’s luck in court is finally running out. I recently blogged on a bizarre case in Iowa where the court held that Ripoff Report couldn’t claim Section 230 protection for contributions made by a guy named Meade. I…