“Locate Plastic Surgeon” Trademark Registrant Brings Dubious Enforcement Action–Ezzo v. Google
By Eric Goldman
Ezzo v. Google, 2:09-CV-00159 (M.D. Fla. complaint filed March 17, 2009). The Justia page.
I’m suffering ennui about blogging pro se lawsuits against companies like Google. Most of them are completely unmeritorious and poorly expressed, so they don’t warrant the time and legal risk associated with writing them up. Nevertheless, I decided this lawsuit is blog-worthy because it, combined with the Medical Justice no-talk waivers that I hope to blog about soon, appears to be part of a troubling trend of using IP to make it harder for consumers to find appropriate medical services.
Jamil Ezzo has a registered trademark on the Supplemental Register for the phrase “Locate Plastic Surgeon,” which he apparently uses in connection with his website locateplasticsurgeon.com. Armed with this registration, in this lawsuit he sues Google and AOL (apparently for selling the trademark as an ad keyword) and a bunch of other folks in the plastic surgery business who apparently advertised on the keyword. (The complaint is so indecipherable that I’m not really sure what he’s beefing about; this is my best guess).
Among other dubious aspects, he comes up with a claim for $90M in damages. He says that over 5 years, the competitive keyword advertising cost him 5,000 customers who would have paid $100/mo each. That’s pretty powerful keyword advertising and a gravity-defying 100% margin business. Add in treble damages, and that produces $90M in damages. Nevertheless, the good faith in his computations is palpable because he kept the damages claim under 9 figures.
In any case, putting aside the indecipherability of the complaint, this lawsuit will be quickly crunched because (among other defects) I am extremely confident that “Locate Plastic Surgeons” is not a protectable trademark. Registration on the Supplemental Registry only confirms that the phrase could become a protectable trademark some day, but it’s not necessarily protectable today. To make progress, he’ll need to show secondary meaning in the phrase, and given the highly descriptive phrase plus the apparently low profile of the site, I think the chances of showing secondary meaning are near zero. Given this, I think this lawsuit is a good candidate for the court to award attorneys fees to the defendants (awardable in exceptional cases, which I think this is).
Even if this lawsuit is a little off-kilter, it still depresses me that anyone could think they can own a protectable trademark in the phrase “Locate Plastic Surgeon” for the process of locating plastic surgeons. It’s dramatic evidence of the abysmal and overexpansive state of trademark doctrine today.
More on this lawsuit from Tom Seery of RealSelf.com.