Patent Policy in the Supreme Court and Congress–October 27, 2006
By Eric Goldman
The High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University School of Law is co-sponsoring, with the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, a conference on Patent Policy in the Supreme Court and Congress. This event will bring together over two dozen of the leading patent thinkers throughout the country to discuss patent reform in Congress and the patent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit. This is a first-rate group of patent scholars discussing the latest cutting-edge issues, so it should be a can’t miss event for anyone interested in patent policy. The details:
Date: October 27, 2006, 8:15-5:30
Location: Santa Clara University School of Law, Bannan 127
Registration Fee: Free, but registration is required
I’m sorry for the late notice of this event. It looked like we were going to have a full house, but we’ve made a last minute switch in venues that has opened up some new seats. I look forward to seeing you there!