By Eric Goldman I’m passing along notice of this event next week that you might find interesting. If you’re in the Bay Area, it would be a delight to see you there. _____ The Stanford Law School Center for Ecommerce,…
By Eric Goldman * All the media wants to do is talk about Google. All Google, all the time. Three major pieces in the span of three days: The NYT on lawsuits against Google. The WSJ on Google’s hiring practices….
By Eric Goldman I took a lovely (but wet) 30 hour trip to Portland to give 2 talks: * Keyword Law talk (substantially revised from my last talk on the topic August 2005) * Blog Law talk (modestly revised from…
By Eric Goldman Steinbuch v. Cutler, 2006 WL 3060084 (D.D.C. Oct 30, 2006) Steinbuch v. Cutler has the attributes of a modern cyberlaw classic–it’s got sex, power, politics, blogs, and sex. You may recall the story. Jessica Cutler was an…
By Eric Goldman Judge Alex Kozinski recently guest lectured in my Cyberspace Law course, which prompted me to reread Kozinski’s opinion in the Kremen v. Cohen case. Because that opinion came out in 2003, it made me curious–what’s happened…
By Eric Goldman I previously blogged on the New York v. DirectRevenue case and the amicus brief that David Post, Scott Christie and I filed. Last week, there was a hearing on DirectRevenue’s motion to dismiss. The transcript. Note that…
By Eric Goldman Buying for the Home, LLC v. Humble Abode, LLC, 03-CV-2783 (JAP) (D.N.J. Oct. 20, 2006) 2006 has been a bit of a jurisprudential disaster on the question of whether buying/selling keywords constitutes a trademark use in commerce….
By Eric Goldman The High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University School of Law is co-sponsoring, with the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, a conference on Patent Policy in the Supreme Court and Congress. This event will bring…
By Eric Goldman Judith Chevalier & Dina Mayzlin, The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: Online Book Reviews, Journal of Marketing Research, August 2006. [see a free earlier version from 2003] For a while, Epinions got into the “syndication”…
By Eric Goldman Bell v. Acxiom Corp., 4:06CV00485-WRW (E.D. Ark. Oct. 3, 2006) Acxiom is a major data miner/data broker. As a result, they have lots of sensitive personal data stored on their computers. Between 2001-2003, they suffered a major…