Amazon’s Display of Book Cover Doesn’t Violate Publicity Rights—Almeida v.

By Eric Goldman Almeida v., Inc., 2006 U.S. APP. LEXIS 17989 (11th Cir. July 18, 2006) Introduction Product photos on e-commerce websites’ product pages are a notorious liability trap. During my tenure at Epinions, product page photos were the…

Web Marketing Legal Issues Talk

By Eric Goldman I gave a talk today to in-house counsel on the topic of common marketing mistakes by e-commerce websites. My slides.

DMA Quietly Kills Telephone Preference Service

By Eric Goldman In a move that’s sure to disappoint no one, the Direct Marketing Association is going to end the Telephone Preference Service everywhere except for Maine, Pennsylvania and Wyoming (where the TPS is the statutory default do-not-call list)….

June 2006 Quick Links

By Eric Goldman I have had virtually no Internet access over the past 10 days due to my move and travels, so my Bloglines account was bulging with more than 1700 articles. Here’s a quick look at some of the…

“Must Carry” Lawsuit Against Search Engines–Langdon v. Google

By Eric Goldman Langdon v. Google, 1:06-cv-00319-JJF (D. Delaware complaint filed May 17, 2006) Omigosh, will these lawsuits over search engine editorial discretion ever cease? Earlier this week I reported on (yet another) lawsuit against Google for dropping a website…

Junk Fax Doesn’t Create Conversion Claim–Edwards v. Emperor’s Garden

By Eric Goldman Edwards v. Emperor’s Garden Restaurant, 130 P.3d 1280 (Nev. Mar. 30, 2006) Defendants sent a single junk fax to the (pro se) plaintiff. The plaintiff sued for a variety of causes of action, including conversion and private…

Advertiser Not Liable for Spam–Hypertouch v. Kennedy-Western University

By Eric Goldman Hypertouch, Inc. v. Kennedy-Western University, No. 3:04-cv-05203-SI (N.D. Cal. Mar. 8, 2006) This is another in a series of CAN-SPAM lawsuits filed by Hypertouch, which apparently has entered the CAN-SPAM plaintiff business. I blogged on one of…

WSJ Debate on Advertiser Liability for Adware

By Eric Goldman Today, the Wall Street Journal published an email debate between me and Ari Schwartz of the Center for Democracy and Technology about advertiser responsibility for adware. Regular blog readers know that this has been a hot button…

NY Enforcement Actions for Reselling Emails in Breach of Privacy Policy

By Eric Goldman Gratis Internet runs several websites that promise free stuff (like free iPods) in exchange for consumers signing up for subscription trials. The trials are initially free but then convert to paid subscriptions. The idea is that many…

CDT Report on Adware Advertising

By Eric Goldman The Center for Democracy and Technology has released “Following the Money: How Advertising Dollars Encourage Nuisance and Harmful Adware and What Can be Done to Reverse the Trend.” The report details the complex web of relationships between…

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