Economics of Reputational Information Talk
By Eric Goldman I am nearing the end of my last major research project (the Brand Spillovers project–see [1] and [2]). I hope to post a near-final draft to SSRN in the next couple of months. Meanwhile, I’m now moving…
Teaching Cyberlaw Article
By Eric Goldman As part of the recent St. Louis University Law Journal’s issue on Teaching Intellectual Property Law, I published a short article entitled “Teaching Cyberlaw.” The abstract: “Over the past dozen years, Cyberlaw courses have become a staple…
State of the Net West 2008, August 6, SCU
By Eric Goldman I would like to invite you to attend State of the Net West 2008, co-sponsored by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus and the High Tech Law Institute. This event is a complement to the…
Vacation and Guest Bloggers
By Eric Goldman For the next two weeks, I will be enjoying a celebratory river-rafting trip on the Hulahula River in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is a supremely remote destination–it takes 4 airplanes to get there from the…
Wikipedia Ethics Event, May 15 at SCU
By Eric Goldman The High Tech Law Institute is cosponsoring (along with the Center for Science, Technology and Society and the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics) the following event: The World that Wikipedia Made: The Ethics and Values of Public…
Two Open Positions at the High Tech Law Institute, Santa Clara University
By Eric Goldman We’re hiring! Please send interested candidates to the online job descriptions and application mechanism. _________ The High Tech Law Institute (HTLI) is the umbrella organization that sponsors and helps administer Santa Clara University School of Law’s well-regarded…
Bay Area Blawgers 3.0, May 20, Berkeley
By Eric Goldman The High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University School of Law is pleased to sponsor Bay Area Blawgers 3.0, the third gathering of legal bloggers in the Bay Area and friends. This time we’re thrilled to…
PLI Presentation on Social Networking Sites and Blogs
By Eric Goldman Last week I gave a brief overview talk about social networking sites and blogs at a PLI conference. My slides. For each screen shot, you’ll have to imagine some of the faux-witty remarks I might have made….
Top Cyberlaw Developments of 2007
By Eric Goldman I have posted my annual Cyberlaw recap, enumerating the top 10 Cyberlaw developments from 2007, at InformIT. You’ll have to read the whole thing to find out my votes for the biggest developments from last year (can…
Road Show Spring 2008
Some of the places I’ll be this semester. As always, please let me know if I should plan to see you there! January Jan. 15: Best Practices for Businesses Exploring…Exploiting…and Expanding in Web 2.0, Pike & Fischer teleconference Jan. 26:…