President Trump Loves Section 230 for Himself, Just Not for Anyone Else (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Jess Miers [Eric’s introduction: this is the second of a two-part series from Jess Miers, a 3L at SCU and my RA, providing historical context on Trump’s anti-social media statements, including the anti-Section 230 Executive Order from last…

“There’s Always a Tweet” Applies to Trump’s Anti-Social Media Rhetoric (Guest Blog Post)

by guest blogger Jess Miers [Eric’s introduction: this is the first of a two-part series from Jess Miers, a 3L at SCU and my RA, providing historical context on Trump’s anti-social media statements, including the anti-Section 230 Executive Order from…

Americans Would Probably Love Section 230—If They Understood It (Cross-Post)

[Eric’s intro: before the Trump anti-Section 230 EO, the Knight Foundation and Gallup pollsters surveyed consumers on various online topics, including Section 230. I encourage you to check it out–lots of data to digest and debate. As part of preparing…

A Pre-History of the Trust & Safety Professional Association (TSPA)

I am part of a team that announced today the launch of two organizations, the Trust & Safety Professional Association (TSPA) and the Trust & Safety Foundation Project (TSF). TSPA will support the global community of professionals who develop and…

Cybersecurity Experts Support Supreme Court Review of Enigma v. Malwarebytes Ruling on Section 230(c)(2)(B)

On Friday, 14 cybersecurity experts filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, supporting Malwarebytes’ certiorari petition to review the Ninth Circuit’s 2019 Enigma v. Malwarebytes ruling regarding 47 U.S.C. 230(c)(2)(B)’s application to spyware classification decisions. The Juelsgaard Intellectual…

Per Section 230, Facebook Can Tell This Plaintiff To Piss Off–Fyk v. Facebook

Fyk posted pissing photos and videos to Facebook. Apparently he made some good money from it. Facebook blocked his content. With the (likely expensive) help of four lawyers, he sued Facebook in a lawsuit celebrated on Fox News. (Yes, Fox…

What is a “True Threat” Online?–In re. R.D.

This case involves a Twitter war of words between high schoolers shortly after a local school shooting. Some tweets may have been quoted song lyrics, others were typical nonsense teen bluster, and some may have been legally prosecutable threats. The…

Fox News Is a Flaming Pile of Garbage, But You Can’t Sue Them for That–WASHLITE v. Fox News

I can’t understand why anyone watches Fox News. Fox News isn’t a serious news organization. It has instead found a market niche for unwavering partisan disinformation. As Prof. Yochai Benkler (Harvard Law) showed in a comprehensive study of disinformation in…

My Galley by CJR Interview on Trump’s Anti-Section 230 Executive Order

At Galley by CJR, I did a one-hour real-time virtual “interview” with Mathew Ingram on the topic of “Trump vs. Social Media.” For background, you may want to review my 5,800 word blog post on Trump’s anti-Section 230 Executive Order…

Section 230 Ends Demonetized YouTuber’s Lawsuit–Lewis v. Google

Lewis ran a YouTube channel called “Misandry Today.” Misandry is hatred of men, like misogyny but with reversed genders. I didn’t look at Lewis’ content but I worry that its examples of alleged misandry actually might be presented to advance…

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