Search Engine Strategies Session on Legal Issues

Grant Crowell summarizes the Search Engine Strategies panel on legal issues, including some rather inoffensive quotes from me. I had a lot more outrageous things to say on the trademark topic, but they didn’t appear to make the cut.

Dating Search Engine

Lycos is planning to launch a meta search engine for dating websites.

Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005

The Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2005 (HR 683) was introduced February 9, with a hearing of the House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property on February 16. The law appears to be a…

More on Dutch Search Engine Lawsuit Against Microsoft

Michael Geist’s ILN reports that Microsoft has altered its software and issued an apology in response to the Dutch search engine’s lawsuit over being labeled spyware.

RIAA Settlement Tactics

Great article describing the RIAA’s tactics in trying to demand settlements with alleged file-sharers. I have had some conversations with people who have been RIAA targets, and this article is dead-on. The RIAA generally doesn’t bend or compromise beyond its…

Lawsuit Over Spyware Label

Microsoft sued for characterizing a Dutch search engine as spyware. See my previous post expressing concerns about Microsoft’s anti-spyware tool becoming the standard.

Spim Arrest

Anthony Greco allegedly becomes the first person arrested for “spim” (instant messaging spam). But the LA Times article continues: “MySpace spokesman Bennet Ratcliff explained that the company’s messaging system is technologically more like regular e-mail than instant messaging, and users…

Alan Perkins’ Response on Black Hat/White Hat

Alan Perkins replied to my previous post on black hat/white hat issues in SEM. (I’m quoting his email with his permission). He took issue with my placing search quality responsibility solely on search engines. He writes: “Why hold a search…

The Long Tail

I recently caught up with Chris Anderson’s excellent Wired article The Long Tail from October 2004. This article discusses the consequences of disaggregating copyrighted content from the physical manufacturing/distribution/retailing chain that historically has been required to get that content to…

Google’s AutoLink tool

Google’s AutoLink tool has been in the news. AutoLink picks certain words on a web publisher’s page and turns those into hyperlinks of Google’s choosing. I’m struck by how often this idea has come up. I remember a client pitching…

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