Call for Participation: WIPIP, Santa Clara, Feb. 2-3, 2024
Requests to Present or Attend
Requests to present should be emailed to Prof. Eric Goldman at Please include “WIPIP 2024” in the email subject line. Your request should include your name, your affiliation, the title of your presentation, and an abstract (PDF preferred) or a brief description of the presentation.
The priority deadline for presentation requests is November 15, 2023 at noon Pacific. Presentation requests received after the priority deadline will be considered on a space-available basis. For submissions/requests received by the priority deadline, we anticipate sending notifications of acceptance no later than December 1.
Non-presenting attendees are also welcome. Email Prof. Goldman with your request.
Travel Information
There are no registration fees to attend WIPIP, and we will provide meals on Feb. 2 and breakfast and lunch on Feb. 3. However, attendees are responsible for arranging and funding their own travel and lodging. Travel details are available at
We very much hope that you can join us in Santa Clara. If you have any questions, feel free to email Prof. Goldman at For more information about the WIPIP series, see