47 USC 230(c)(2) Talk Slides Draft–COMMENTS REQUESTED

By Eric Goldman

Later this week I’m giving a brand new talk on 47 USC 230(c)(2), the overlooked sibling of 47 USC 230(c)(1). With the help of a research assistant, we tried to identify and review every case referencing 47 USC 230(c)(2). I was surprised at how many cases cited 230(c)(2) (>30) and how few of them (draft slides. I would be very grateful if you could take a look and let me know what you think about my taxonomy of 230(c)(2) cases (and if you think I missed any cases) and my list of Constitutional and statutory substitutes. Also, if you are aware of any law review articles or other secondary materials that specifically discusses 230(c)(2) (and not just 230(c)(1) or 230 generally), I would appreciate the citation. For that matter, I would gratefully welcome all comments on the slides!

If I make any changes to my slides before I give the talk, I’ll repost the “final” version of the slides by early next week to the same URL and announce the new version via Twitter.